朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Training and Development for Business 企業訓練與發展

當期課號 3096 Course Number 3096
授課教師 萬曉琪 Instructor Wan,Hsiao chi
中文課名 企業訓練與發展 Course Name Training and Development for Business
開課單位 企業管理系(二在)四B Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 1、 企業訓練與發展(T&D)在人力資源發展中的角色與功能2、 訓練需求的獲得 3、課程規劃與教學方案4、 T&D 的種類與適用時機 5、學習心理學6、 教學方法 7、團體率領與催化8、 T&D 收益評估 9、T&D專業人的發展10、國內外T&D實務與資源 Objectives Integrate the human resource development and organization learning expertise to enhance the core competence of training.
教材 員工訓練與能力發展,by Raymond A. Noe, 簡貞玉 譯,五南圖書 Teaching Materials Employee Training and Development by Raymond Andrew Noe
成績評量方式 出席與參與:30%
Grading Presence and participation:30%
Mid-term exam.:30%
Term report: 40%
教學內容 本課程主要以訓練與發展之相關課題為授課內容,包括:1、 企業訓練與發展(T&D)在人力資源發展中的角色與功能2、 訓練需求的獲得 3、課程規劃與教學方案4、 T&D 的種類與適用時機 5、學習心理學6、 教學方法 7、團體率領與催化8、 T&D 收益評估 9、T&D專業人的發展10、國內外T&D實務與資源 等課題,以使學習本課程之學生,能瞭解企業機構在訓練與發展上應有之功能與基本理論。 Syllabus These courses aimed Human Resource training and development at providing student with a complete and applied review of essential HRD concepts and techniques. The content of this semester , including the strategic role of training and the use of new technologies in training. "Employee Training and Development" strikes a balance between research and real company practices. It provides students with a solid background in the fundamentals of training and development including needs assessment, transfer of training, designing a learning environment, methods, and evaluation.