朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Security Market 證券市場

當期課號 3023 Course Number 3023
授課教師 顏炘怡 Instructor YEN,HSIN YI
中文課名 證券市場 Course Name Security Market
開課單位 財務金融系(四進)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程將引導學生學習證券市場之相關知識。包括證券市場結構與各種證券工具之認識,進階地學習股票、債券、共同基金、認股權證以及存託憑證的操作知識。本課程將要求學生做課後作業練習,並要求撰寫學期報告,以及台灣證券市場之實務研習。 Objectives This course will guide students toward understanding of securities market related knowledge. It will cover the concept of securities market structure and instruments, advanced operation know-how about stocks, bonds, mutual funds, warrants, and depositary receipts, Selected homework and exercise include term-paper presentation and Taiwan securities market study.
教材 股票買賣初學指引 台灣廣廈
股市技術分析智典 台灣廣廈
證券市場補充講義 自編
Teaching Materials 股票買賣初學指引 台灣廣廈
股市技術分析智典 台灣廣廈
證券市場補充講義 自編
成績評量方式 平常成績40%
Grading Quizes 40% Mid-Term Exam. 30% Final Exam. 30%
教學內容 本課程將引導學生學習證券市場之相關知識。包括證券市場結構與各種證券工具之認識,進階地學習股票、債券、共同基金、認股權證以及存託憑證的操作知識。本課程將要求學生做課後作業練習,並要求撰寫學期報告,以及台灣證券市場之實務研習。 Syllabus This course will guide students toward understanding of securities market related knowledge. It will cover the concept of securities market structure and instruments, advanced operation know-how about stocks, bonds, mutual funds, warrants, and depositary receipts, Selected homework and exercise include term-paper presentation and Taiwan securities market study.