朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Advanced Technical English 進階科技英文

當期課號 2534 Course Number 2534
授課教師 黃永發 Instructor HUANG,YUNG FA
中文課名 進階科技英文 Course Name Advanced Technical English
開課單位 資訊與通訊系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程目標在改善學生閱讀專業論文的能力,其中教材內容不乏包括相關的工程領域,同時也涵蓋了技術和科學相關的文法和語法。此外,為了強化學生的英文寫作能力,本課程也安排寫作訓練的課程單元。 Objectives The aim of this course is to improve the reading ability on published papers for students. The contents not only covered engineering fields, but also Grammar and syntax relevant on technical and scientific areas. Moreover, in order to strength the writing skills of all students, this course also arranged some writing programs.
教材 some reading books, papers and self-designed materials.
Teaching Materials some reading books, papers and self-designed materials.
成績評量方式 Homework: 20%, Midterm: 20%, Final: 30%, Quiz: 20%, Attendance: 10% Grading Homework: 20%, Midterm: 20%, Final: 30%, Quiz: 20%, Attendance: 10%
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~yfahuang
教學內容 本課程主要教授科技英文之閱讀與寫作技巧,訓練科技文章之正確閱讀與寫作。 Syllabus The course will instruct students with a technical English reading and writing skills. The main training is to train students’ writing ability on technical materials.