朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Mobile commerce systems 行動商務與系統開發

當期課號 2412 Course Number 2412
授課教師 薛夙珍 Instructor HSUEH,SUE CHEN
中文課名 行動商務與系統開發 Course Name Mobile commerce systems
開課單位 資訊管理系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 行動網路基礎建設的發展與行動設備的普及,促進了行動商務的應用趨勢。由於行動商務具有移動性、便利性與及時等特殊特質,因此也需要以完全不同的方式來設計開發與製作行動商務相關應用與服務。本課程是行動商務的入門課程,將涵蓋行動商務架構、應用、特性與需求、定位服務、行動交易安全與付款、以及各種相關商業模式與服務等多元議題。本課程也以J2ME語言為基礎,進行行動商務系統製作與開發之教學。 Objectives With the emergence and wide spread adoption of wireless and mobile networks and devices, mobile commerce applications are beginning to attract many attentions to industries and academies. Mobile commerce may require significantly different approaches in design, development, and implementation of applications due to the inherent characteristics of wireless networks and mobile devices. This course provides an introduction to mobile commerce, including frameworks, applications, requirements, location-based services (LBS), security and payment, and business model and emerging m-commerce services. Furthermore, the course will be introduced to implemented mobile commerce systems using J2ME language.
教材 1.Google Android 手機APP開發入門。
Teaching Materials 1.Google Android 手機APP開發入門。
成績評量方式 作業 25%
課堂參與與出席 15%
期中考 25%
期末報告 35%
Grading Homework 25%
Class participation 15%
Midterm 25%
Final Project 35%
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~schsueh/
教學內容 本課程是行動商務的入門課程,將涵蓋行動商務架構、應用、特性與需求、定位服務、行動交易安全與付款、以及各種相關商業模式與服務等多元議題。
Syllabus This course provides an introduction to mobile commerce, including frameworks, applications, requirements, location-based services (LBS), security and payment, and business model and emerging m-commerce services. Furthermore, the course will be introduced to implemented mobile commerce systems based on the Android .