朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Introduction to Electronic Commerce 電子商務概論

當期課號 2404 Course Number 2404
授課教師 柯秀佳 Instructor KO,HSIU CHIA
中文課名 電子商務概論 Course Name Introduction to Electronic Commerce
開課單位 資訊管理系(四日)二C Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程的主要目標是教導學生瞭解電子商務(Electronic Commerce)的內涵,以及電子商務在實務的運作上所包括的四個構面:科技、商業、管理及法律政策等相關議題與知識,並藉由書中實例操作,進而瞭解資訊科技是如何應用在電子商務實務運作上的。 Objectives The purpose of this course is to teach students that the Electronic Commerce (EC)is a multidisciplinary science that includes four aspects. These are computer science, business management, marketing and legal issues. Through course teach, students know how EC runs in real world.
教材 1.Efraim Turban etc., Electronic Commerce 2008: A Managerial
Perspective, Prentice Hall, 2008 (華泰)
2.conference and journal papers
Teaching Materials 1.Efraim Turban etc., Electronic Commerce 2008: A Managerial
Perspective, Prentice Hall, 2008 (華泰)
2.conference and journal papers
成績評量方式 課堂參與、課堂報告、及作業: 40%
期中報告和上台報告: 30%
期末報告和上台報告 30%
Grading Homework, presentation, and class Participation: 40%
Midterm report: 30%
Final report: 30%
教學內容 電子商務已隱隱然為二十世紀末、二十一世紀的主要商業交易的型態。本課程介紹電子商務的過去發展與未來趨勢,並對各項管理與資訊技術作深入的探討。此外,並藉由參與與觀察網站經營的方式,運用所習得的理論,分析電子商務的經營成效。主要內容包含: 1.電子商務(EC)簡介 2.電子商務的網路架構 3、相關理論的介紹 4.新興Web2.0相關經營模式與經營 5.Business-to-Consumer EC 6.Business-to-Business EC 7.Mobile and Wireless Computing 簡介 Syllabus Electronic commerce (EC) is emerging as a new type of business transactions. To guide students into this great area of research, this course is designed to introduce students to acquainted with the past and the future development of electronic commerce, and various IT research issues that are related to the development of electronic commerce. Moreover, applying various theories to analyze the observed EC applications and their performance will also be discussed. The tentative topice to be covered in this couses are, but not limited to, the followings: 1. The basics of EC, 2. The network infrastructure for EC, 3. The related theories of EC, 4. Emerging EC applications, such as Web 2.0 and EC. 5.Business-to-Consumer EC 6. Business-to-Business EC 7. Introdcution to Mobile Commerce.