朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Model-Making Workshop 建築模型製作

當期課號 1725 Course Number 1725
授課教師 謝銘峰 Instructor HSIEH,MIN FENG
中文課名 建築模型製作 Course Name Model-Making Workshop
開課單位 建築系(四日)一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 建築系的學生在設計課程上, 除了設計的討論過程外還需要很多材料及模型的輔助, 才可以完全表達及溝通學生所需. 而建築模型製作就是因應這一課題所設計的課程 Objectives the architectural students must use a lot of medias to present their concept of project, the model-making workshop is the course to teach students to use different materials to present their project.
教材 1.建築模型製作: 模型思想的激發 作者:科諾
Architectural Models: Construction Techniques, by Wolfgang Knoll,Martin Hechinger,Hans-Joachim Heyer
2. Model Making: A Basic Guide, Martha Sutherland
3. Designing with Models: A Studio Guide to Making and Using Architectural Design Models, Criss B. Mills
Teaching Materials 1.建築模型製作: 模型思想的激發 作者:科諾
Architectural Models: Construction Techniques, by Wolfgang Knoll,Martin Hechinger,Hans-Joachim Heyer
2. Model Making: A Basic Guide, Martha Sutherland
3. Designing with Models: A Studio Guide to Making and Using Architectural Design Models, Criss B. Mills
成績評量方式 出席率:20﹪
Grading Attendance: 20﹪
Assignment: 60﹪
Final Project: 20﹪
教師網頁 http://lms.ctl.cyut.edu.tw/1999024
教學內容 本課程將依照建築空間模型在技術、觀念、及表現三個面向的相關知識及技巧透過概念模(Concept model)、分析模(Analytical Model)、過程模(Maquette)、及表現模(Presentational Model)…等不同模型類型的操作,配合不同材質之應用在製作模型過程中所牽涉之執行技術的演練,來落實課程的教學目標。
1. 訓練如何製作建築與空間立體模型之技術及材料與工具之應用的技巧與知識
2. 發展構思、閱讀、發展、與驗證設計的三度空間思考平台
3. 認識建築模型表現模式的觀念與技巧
Syllabus This course is organized by four topics including concept model、analytical model、maquette、and mresentational model. During the practices and demonstrations to be conducted in the classes, students will be lead to explore the techniques and concepts on thinking, reading, and expressing design ideas by producing physical models with different materials.