朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Practicing and Experiencing of Industry Application 產業實務與參訪

當期課號 1568 Course Number 1568
授課教師 林均燁 Instructor LIN,JIUN YEH
中文課名 產業實務與參訪 Course Name Practicing and Experiencing of Industry Application
開課單位 工業工程與管理系(四日)二B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 1 Credits 1
課程目標 藉由產業實務參訪的過程,讓學生能夠在進入大學三年級之前深刻瞭解工業工程與管理在產業界相關領域的實務應用。 Objectives By studying and visiting industries to guide students to comprehensively understand how industrial engineering and management (IEM) is applied in industrial practices.
教材 1. 問題與個案分析, 鍾憲瑞, 前程文化出版社, 99年.
2. 課程講義。
Teaching Materials 1. Problem and case study.
2. Class notes.
成績評量方式 參訪簡報製作與筆記本撰寫40%、分組報告20%、出席率15%、禮節服儀10%、期末考15%。 Grading Powerpoint presentation and visiting notes 40%, Team report 20%, Attendence 15%, Manners and clothing 10%, Final exam 15%.
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~jlin/
教學內容 藉由產業實務參訪的過程,讓學生能夠在進入大學三年級之前深刻瞭解工業工程與管理在產業界相關領域的實務應用,包含常見的實務問題、以及問題解決的方式。執行上的三大步驟包括:(1)事前產業剖析,(2)參訪時業師講授IEM在該公司之應用(包括實務上與IEM課程之關連)、實地參訪、以及Q&A座談,以及(3)事後簡報製作與檢討。 Syllabus By studying and visiting industries to guide students to comprehensively understand how industrial engineering and management (IEM) is applied in industrial practices. There are basically three stages for each industry visit: (1)industry review before visiting, (2)company presentation by a senior manager, factory tour, and Q&A, and (3) powerpoint presentation and case discussion after the company tour.