朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Risk Management 風險管理

當期課號 1514 Course Number 1514
授課教師 周慧瑜 Instructor CHOU,HUI YU
中文課名 風險管理 Course Name Risk Management
開課單位 營建工程系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 該課程主要使學生了解:1.風險管理之定義2.風險管理之描述 Objectives This course contains the folloeing topics:1.explain the meaning of risk management. 2.describe the risk management and value of company. 3.distinguish between risk control、insurable finance、alternative risk financing 4.claim management and crisis manage
教材 風險管理新標竿:風險值理論與應用,周大慶等著,2007年1月再版,智勝文化,台北。 Teaching Materials The Benchmark for Risk Management Value at Risk (2nd ed.), Chou, Ta-Ching et al., Jan. 2007, Best-Wise Publishing Co., Ltd., Taipei.
成績評量方式 學習態度 20%
隨堂測驗或作業 25%
期中考 25%
期末報告 30%
Grading Learning attitude 20%
Course work or exam 25%
Mid-term exam 25%
Term Report 30%
教學內容 本課程講述風險之定義、風險管理之定義、風險管理之程序及各階段常用之技術工具,並將理論方法應用於營建工程專案之實務作法與重要性,透過實務問題研討的過程培養同學的整體觀念與應用能力。 Syllabus The lecture topics include the definition of risk and risk management, the introduction of risk management process and common used technologies and tools. The teacher would lead students to develop their knowledge framework and ability to apply theories and methods on construction practice through case studies.