朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Introduction to Classics of Mind 心靈經典導讀

當期課號 0181 Course Number 0181
授課教師 張盈馨 Instructor CHANG,YIN HSIN
中文課名 心靈經典導讀 Course Name Introduction to Classics of Mind
開課單位 哲學與生命教育課群(日) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Philosophy and Life Education
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 透過各種重要文獻(如哲學文學心理)之導讀,以引導學生深刻地理解人類各偉大心靈之人格典範,並期能藉之深化其內在心靈,建構自我之價值觀與世界觀,進而身體力行培養高尚之人格 Objectives Through the reading of important classics ,such as, phiosphy ,literature,psychology,etc. the student will realize the major thought of classics which will also help them to build up a right value and cultive their humanity spirit.
教材 ※本課程無固定教材
3.喬斯坦.賈德(Jostein Gaarder),《蘇菲的世界》,蕭寶森譯,(臺北市:智庫出版,2006)。
4.威爾‧杜蘭(Will Durant),《西洋哲學史話》,國家出版社編譯組編譯,(台北巿:國家出版社發行,民79)。
Teaching Materials Homer, The Iliad, trans. by Robert Fitzgerald (London: Everyman’s Library, 1992).
Homer, The Odyssey, trans. by Fitzgerald (London: Everyman’s Library, 1992).
Hesiod, Hesiod and Theognis, trans. by Dorothea Wender (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1973).
成績評量方式 期中考試:25%
Grading Mid-term exam: 25%
Final exam: 25%
Report: 25%
教學內容 「人生哲學」一課程是為使同學們對人生具有反省之能力。本學期透過對人類文明歷史之探討,以明瞭各個文明對人生之看法與差異。鑒往知來,使同學們明白人生真正的價值為何,以及人生應努力於何處。
Syllabus The course will help students to reflect about their life. This term we will study some history of Western and Chinese culture. This course involves fore culture: Chinese, Greece, Hebrew and Egypt. This plan will give fresh impetus to students to know what the important things of their life.