朝陽科技大學 099學年度第2學期教學大綱
Literature, Culture and Creative Thinking 文學、文化與創意思考

當期課號 0175 Course Number 0175
授課教師 林政言 Instructor LIN,CHENG YEN
中文課名 文學、文化與創意思考 Course Name Literature, Culture and Creative Thinking
開課單位 藝文涵養課群(日) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Chinese and Art Appreciation
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 在現代化科技社會裡,資訊以極快的速度被創造與推翻,也因此如何建立一個有效的思考方式,變成是當今學生必然要擁有的基本能力。同時傳統文學與文化,面對多變的時代,也應該有面對挑戰的勇氣,在傳統中找出新的發展方向,本課程即試圖以各種創意思考的方式為出發點,希望學生能在其中受到啟發,並以創意思考來面對傳統文學或文化,希望能與時俱進,創造新的價值。 Objectives In the modern technological society, the information is created at great speed and overturned, and therefore how to build an effective way of thinking is bound to become today's students have basic skills. At the same time traditional literature and culture, the face of changing times, should have the courage to face challenges in the traditional direction to find the new development, the course of trying a variety of creative ways of thinking as a starting point, I hope, in which students can be inspired, and creative thinking to face the traditional literature or culture, hoping to advance with the times and create new value.
教材 自編教材另開立相關參考書目 Teaching Materials From compile teaching material another draw related reference
成績評量方式 平時成績(出缺席 課堂參與) 30%
平時課堂報告與創意思考作業 20%
期中創意作業(或期中考) 20%
期末作業 30%
Grading 1 Normal scores (out of the absence of
class and participation)30%
2 Normal classroom work reports and
creative thinking 20%
3 Innovation work period (or midterms) 30%
4 Final Assignment 30%
教學內容 1 創意與創造
2 創意的實現與理想
3 文學如何與創意結合
4 文化與創意
5 創意主題實作
6 參訪活動
7 實作
Syllabus 1 Innovation and creativity

2 And the ideal realization of creative

3 How literature and creative ombination

4 Culture and creative

5 Implementation of creative themes

6 Visits

7 Innovation Implementation