朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Parental Involvement 親職教育

當期課號 8044 Course Number 8044
授課教師 林樹全 Instructor LIN,SHU CHUAN
中文課名 親職教育 Course Name Parental Involvement
開課單位 師資培育中心(中教學程)二B Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程主要探討親職教育的基本知識與技能,內容包括親職教育的目的與對象、親師合作的優點與方式、目前執行現況、執行面臨的困難、以及親職教育未來發展等等;本課程採教師授課、小組討論、影片分析、幼稚園參訪的方式進行;課程目的在使學生對親職教育有一系統性的瞭解,並培養學生實際執行親職教育的能力。 Objectives This course offers the introductions of knowledge and skill of parental involvement, which includes the content, purpose, style, advantages, difficulty, and future development of parental involvement. Lecture, group discussion, videotape analysis, and kindergarten visit are used in class. The purposes of this course is to buildup better understanding of parental involvement, and to cultivate student’s ability in doing the work of parental involvement.
教材 1.邱珍琬箸,《親職教育》,台北,五南圖書公司出版,2009。
Teaching Materials This course doesn't use English teaching materials.Please read the Chinese textbook list.
成績評量方式 1.課堂參與討論 30%
2.期中考 20%
3.分組報告與討論 20%
4.期末考 30%
Grading 1.discussion performance in class30%
2. midterm examination 30%
3. Group discussion 20%
4. Final Examination 30%
教學內容 本課程教學內容涵括:不同發展階段的親職教育重點、親職教育的模式、性別教育、家庭溝通、家庭暴力與性侵、親職教育計畫與執行方法、親職教育未來發展、教育專題演講和分組討論。 Syllabus he contents of this course include:
Different stages of development focused on parenting education, Model of parenting education, Gender issues in parenting education, Family Communication, Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse of Children, Parenting education program and implementation methods,future development of parenting education . A special designated topic lecture and group discussion.