朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Special Topics of Reinsurance 再保險專題研究

當期課號 7605 Course Number 7605
授課教師 蘇文斌 Instructor SU,WEN PIN
中文課名 再保險專題研究 Course Name Special Topics of Reinsurance
開課單位 保險金融管理系碩士在職專班二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 再保險為保險體系中的要環,由於新的危險不斷地產生,保險業者已無力單獨承擔來自各方面的各種危險,因此探討本身所承受危險的分散、日益殷切。本課程講授內容之重點以各種再保險方式之相關問題之論述為中心,分別就各種再保險方式之發展、運作及其內容加以分析、研討。期使學生能對再保險之相問有系統地加以研究與瞭解。 Objectives Reinsurance industry is an important loop of insurance system. As there are many new risks creating everyday, the insurance companies are unable to cover such kind of various risks beyond their won remedy capacity. Therefore, it is very anxious now for us to research on the burden distribution for the risks. The important points of our class in this program are aimed at discussion about the ways to reinsure and the questions related. Furthermore, we analyze and study separately on the development, operating, and the contents of the various reinsurance businesses. We hope that from this class, all of our students could study and realize further on reinsurance program and all questions related by a systematic way.
教材 自編講義 Teaching Materials From edits the printed lecture
成績評量方式 1.期中考:30﹪ 2.期末考:40﹪ 3.平常討論:30﹪ Grading 1.Midterm:30﹪ 2.Final report:40﹪ 3.Discuss:30﹪
教學內容 第1-3週 1.概論 2.臨時再保險
第4-6週 1.比例合約再保險 2.定額合約再保險
第7-9週 1.溢額合約再保險 2.期中考
第10-12週 1.非比例合約再保險
第13-15週 1.超額損失合約再保險
第16-18週 1.限額風險再保險 2.財務再保險 3.期末考
Syllabus Weeks1-3 1.Concept of Reinsurance 2.Facultative Reinsurance
Weeks4-6 1.Proportronal Reinsurance Treaty 2.Quota Share Reinsurance Treaty
Weeks7-9 1.Surplus Share Reinsurance Treaty 2.Middle term Examination
Weeks10-12 1.Non-Proportional Reinsurance Treaty
Weeks13-15 1.Excess of Per Risk Loss Reinsurance Excess of Loss Ratio Reinsurance
Weeks16-18 1.Finite Risk Reinsurance 2.Financial Reinsurance 3.Final term Examination