朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Strategy of Hi-Tech Industry 科技產業經營策略

當期課號 7589 Course Number 7589
授課教師 嚴國慶 Instructor YAN,KUO QIN
中文課名 科技產業經營策略 Course Name Strategy of Hi-Tech Industry
開課單位 企業管理系碩士在職專班二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 科技管理在管理領域逐漸扮演關鍵性的策略角色,技術的策略、建立及商品化流成程為重要議題,新興技術如生物技術、奈米技術等亦須留意其發展趨勢,本課程旨在探討科技策略及管理之基本概念,主要的課題包含創業、創投、創新、技術發展流程、技術預測以及研發專案及人力資源管理。 Objectives Technology Management plays a critical strategic role in achieving top management objectives. To help students explore the core competitiveness of business, the class will introduces concepts for analyzing the processes of creation and commercialization from technology. Besides, emerging technologies will be introduced, such as biotechnology and nana-technology. The purpose of this course is to introduce the basic concepts of technology management and strategy. The class offers essential topics in the technology management, students will become familiar with entrepreneurship, developing and managing new ventures, managing innovation, technology life cycles, forecasting, and managing R&D personnel and projects. (3 credit hours)
教材 高科技產業策略與競爭(第二版)
徐作聖、邱奕嘉、許友耕 著
全華科技 出版
Teaching Materials 高科技產業策略與競爭(第二版)
徐作聖、邱奕嘉、許友耕 著
全華科技 出版
成績評量方式 期中考20%,期末考30%,平時作業及網路討論50% Grading midterm exam 20%
final Exam 30
discussion performance in website 50%
教學內容 針對高科技整體產業環境以及分項技術---半導體、通訊、資訊、光電、紡織、電機、自動化、生技、環保等領域進行探討、引用最新數據資料,深入分析,幫助學生了解高科技產業發展動態及其經營策略。 Syllabus Technology Management plays a critical strategic role in achieving top management objectives. To help students explore the core competitiveness of business, the class will introduces concepts for analyzing the processes of creation and commercialization from technology