朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Research Method in Social Work: Qualitative Research 社會工作研究法:質性研究

當期課號 7398 Course Number 7398
授課教師 黃松林 Instructor HUANG,SONG LIN
中文課名 社會工作研究法:質性研究 Course Name Research Method in Social Work: Qualitative Research
開課單位 社會工作系碩士班二A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程目標在使學生能瞭解並習得:
Objectives The aim of the course is to help student :
1.Understand the relative theory and gain the basic concept of qualitative research.
2.Learn how to design and establish a framework of qualitative research.
3.Learn the ways to collect and analyze the qualitative data.
4.Understand the ways to conduct and write a report of qualitative research.
教材 潘淑滿(2003)質性研究:理論與應用。台北:心理。
Ritchie, D. A. (2003).Doing Oral History. New York: Oxford.
高熏蒙等譯(2001)質化研究設計:一種互動取向的方法。J. A. Maxwell著。台北:心理。
陳秋山等譯(2001).社工質化研究. 台北:華都。
Teaching Materials Padgett, D. K.. (2005). Qualitative methods in Social Work research (3rd Edition). London: Sage.
Ritchie, D. A. (2003).Doing Oral History. New York: Oxford.
成績評量方式 期中報告 200%
出席與筆記討論 40%
期末報告 40%
Grading Midterm paper 20%
Attendance rate and discussion 40%
Term-paper 40%
教學內容 質性研究的理論及基本概念
Syllabus 1.Understand the relative theory and gain the basic concept of qualitative research.
2.Learn how to design and establish a framework of qualitative research.
3.Learn the ways to collect and analyze the qualitative data.
4.Understand the ways to conduct and write a report of qualitative research.