朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Non-profit Organization Management 非營利組織管理研究

當期課號 7395 Course Number 7395
授課教師 陳馨馨 Instructor CHEN,SHIN SHIN
中文課名 非營利組織管理研究 Course Name Non-profit Organization Management
開課單位 社會工作系碩士班一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程涵蓋非營利組織經營管理之理論與實務,及相關研究與議題,使學生能了解非營利組織的特性及發展、學習非營利組織的管理課題及方法、並探討非營利組織經營管理層面之相關研究與議題。 Objectives This course is designed to introduce the theory and practice of non-profit organizations (NPO), and related research as well as issues. This course is committed to strengthening students with the understanding of the characteristics and development of NPO, preparing them with the knowledge of management topics and methods, and enhancing their ability in exploring related management issues and research of NPO.
教材 教師自編講義

1. Grobman, Gary (2007). An Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector: A Practical Approach for the 21st Century (2nd Ed.). Harrisburg: White Hat.
2. Van Til, Jon (2000). Growing Civil Society. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
3. Van Til, Jon (1988). Mapping the Third Sector. New York: Foundation Center.
4. Ott, J.S. (Ed.)(2001). The Nature of the Nonprofit Sector. Westview Press: Boulder, CO.
5. Riggio, R.E. & S.S. Orr (Ed.)(2004). Improving Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations. Jossey Bass: San Francisco, CA.
6. Oster, S.M..(1995). Strategic Management for Nonprofit Organizations. Oxford University Press.
7. 司徒達賢(2003). 非營利組織的經營管理.台北:天下文化.
8. 劉麗雯(2004). 非營利組織:協調合作的社會福利服務.台北:雙葉書廊.
9. 曾騰光,曾華源(2001,校閱)非營利組織策略管理. 台北:紅葉.
10.蕭新煌導讀,桂雅文等譯(2001)世紀曙光:非營利事業管理.台北:五觀藝術管理有限公司.譯自Gelatt, J.P. (1992). Managing Nonprofit Organizations in the 21st Century. The Oryx Press.
11.高寶華編注(2006). 非營利組織經營策略與管理.台北:華立圖書.
12.傅篤誠編注(2002). 非營利事業管理:議題導向與管理策略。台北:新京文開發。
13. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
14. Nonprofit Management & Leadership.
Teaching Materials Handouts organized by the instructor.

Major reference books:
1. Grobman, Gary (2007). An Introduction to the Nonprofit Sector: A Practical Approach for the 21st Century (2nd Ed.). Harrisburg: White Hat.
2. Van Til, Jon (2000). Growing Civil Society. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
3. Van Til, Jon (1988). Mapping the Third Sector. New York: Foundation Center.
4. Ott, J.S. (Ed.)(2001). The Nature of the Nonprofit Sector. Westview Press: Boulder, CO.
5. Riggio, R.E. & S.S. Orr (Ed.)(2004). Improving Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations. Jossey Bass: San Francisco, CA.
6. Dah Hsian William Seetoo(2003). Managing Nonprofit Organizations. Taipei: Commonwealth Publishing Co., Ltd.
7. Li-Wen Liu (2004). Nonprofit Organizations: The Negotiating and Cooperating Social Welfare Service. Taipei: Yeh Yeh Book Gallery.
8.Oster, S.M.(1995). Strategic Management for Nonprofit Organizations. Oxford University Press.
9.Gelatt, J.P.(1992). Managing Nonprofit Organizations in the 21st Century. The Oryx Press.
10. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly.
11. Nonprofit Management & Leadership.
成績評量方式 1.期末考 40% (一月十二日)
2.課堂報告,參與及討論(除非有特殊被允許的理由,否則不得缺席;課堂上要充分參與討論.缺席一次扣學期總成績5分) 60%
Grading 1. Final Exam 40%
2.Class Reports, Contribution and Participation (attend all sessions, unless excused, participating fully in class discussions, complete class assignments as assigned) 60%
教學內容 本專題是專為對非營利部門有興趣的研究生或社工系研究生所設計的,課程內容涵蓋非營利組織經營管理之理論與實務,及相關研究與議題,並讓學生了解國內外的相關趨勢與案例.

ㄧ. 課程介紹與討論
二. 非營利組織之定義與範疇
三. 非營利組織之成因及存在的理論基礎
四. 合法性與管制(約束)議題
五. 非營利組織的治理
六. 非營利組織的使命及願景陳述
七. 非營利組織的倫理議題
八. 非營利組織的策略規劃
九. 非營利組織的行銷與募款
十. 非營利組織的人力資源管理
十一. 非營利組織的會計與責任議題
十二. 非營利組織的傳播與公共關係
十三. 非營利組織的遊說議題
十四. 非營利組織的法律問題
十五. 非營利組織的全球化

★本課程預計申請教育部教學卓越計畫-「產學雙師領航計畫」,邀請 兩位非營利機構執行長蒞校演講。
Syllabus The seminar is intended to serve graduate students interested in the nonprofit sector, as well as graduate students in social work. It is the purpose of this seminar to examine the role of theory in the nonprofit sector, and to understand the ways in which it may contribute to the health and vitality of nonprofit organizations. A special effort in this seminar will be made to introduce students to the ways in which nonprofit and voluntary organizations seek to serve the society in Taiwan and other countries.

1. Introduction and Discussion
2. The Definition and Scope of the Nonprofit Organizations
3. Theoretical Locus and Emergence of the Nonprofit Organizations
4. Legal and Regulatory Issues
5. Governance
6. Mission and Vision Statements
7. Ethics
8. Strategic Planning
9. Marketing and Fundraising
10. Personnel
11. Fiscal and Liability Issues
12. Communications and Public Relations
13. Lobbying
14. The Globalization of the Nonprofit Organizations