朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
The study of nutrition and meals for infant and preschool children. 嬰幼兒營養與膳食專題研究

當期課號 7378 Course Number 7378
授課教師 嚴金恩 Instructor YEN,CHIN EN
中文課名 嬰幼兒營養與膳食專題研究 Course Name The study of nutrition and meals for infant and preschool children.
開課單位 幼兒保育系碩士班一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程介紹營養學之基本概論包括各種營養素功能與食物來源,以及嬰幼兒期營養與餐點設計,此外學習嬰幼兒營養與膳食之研究設計與實驗方法。 Objectives The course introduce basic concept of nutrition include function and food source of nutrient, the requirement of nutrition and meals planning of infant and preschool children. In addition, the course also assist student to learn study design and experiment method of nutrition and meal research in infant and children.
教材 教師自編教材 Teaching Materials Handout
成績評量方式 學習態度
Grading Learning attitude
Midterm examination
Oral presentation
Home work
教學內容 介紹營養學之基本概論包括各種營養素功能與食物來源,以及嬰幼兒期營養與餐點設計,此外學習嬰幼兒營養與膳食之研究設計與實驗方法。 Syllabus The course introduce basic concept of nutrition include function and food source of nutrient, the requirement of nutrition and meals planning of infant and preschool children. In addition, the course also assist student to learn study design and experiment method of nutrition and meal research in infant and children.