朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Qualitative Research 質性研究

當期課號 7361 Course Number 7361
授課教師 許筱彤 Instructor HSU,HSIAO TUNG
中文課名 質性研究 Course Name Qualitative Research
開課單位 應用外語系碩士班二A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程將使學生瞭解質性研究法之理論及實地操作法,並希望應用外語系學生能運用此研究法進行研究。 Objectives This course will acquaint students with the theory and practice of ethnographic research. The course will emphasize the practical with the hope that students can employ these methods as they conduct research necessary for thesis work in the AFL program.
教材 社會科學質的研究 陳向明 五南 Teaching Materials 社會科學質的研究 陳向明 五南
成績評量方式 期中成績30%、期末成績30%、平時成績40%

*三次點名未能出席者, 此科視為不及格
Grading Midterm exam 30%、Final exam 30%、
Personal performance 40 %

*More than 3 unexcused absences will result in a failure of the course.
教學內容 透過精讀相關文獻及理論,本課程將全方面增進學生對於質性研究法的瞭解。

本課程重視分析討論;教學主軸在於: 透過相關理論的介紹,深入探討質性研究所需之專業知識並進而能分析相關文獻。

Syllabus The course is designed to introduce students to the skills that they require to become competent and critical educational researchers and then to progress them to a level of competence and ability to apply their understanding.

It is based on several main qualitative research theories and methods which are delivered in a variety of ways to enhance students’ participation and learning.