朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Special topics Enviomental managament and system analysis(1) 環境管理分析專題(一)

當期課號 7240 Course Number 7240
授課教師 林宏嶽 Instructor LIN,HUNG YUEH
中文課名 環境管理分析專題(一) Course Name Special topics Enviomental managament and system analysis(1)
開課單位 環境工程與管理系碩士班一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 藉由環境管理與決策分析領域之相關文獻,讓修習學生能有更完整之觀念,並應用於其個人之研究 Objectives With the literature review in environmental management and decision making, the students will be trained to have integrated concepts in this field and able to apply the concepts to their own research thereafter.
教材 文 獻 回 顧 期 刊 論 文 Teaching Materials literature review
成績評量方式 簡報與討論 Grading Presentation and discussion
教學內容 藉由環境管理與決策分析領域之相關文獻,讓修習學生能有更完整之觀念,並應用於其個人之研究。 Syllabus With the literature review in environmental management and decision making, the students will be trained to have integrated concepts in this field and able to apply the concepts to their own research thereafter.