朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Seminar(Ⅱ) 書報研討(二)

當期課號 7098 Course Number 7098
授課教師 蘇迺惠 Instructor Su,Nai Hui
中文課名 書報研討(二) Course Name Seminar(Ⅱ)
開課單位 會計系碩士班二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 透過研究及討論當代會計書籍及文獻,以增進學生專業知識之了解及幫助其對會計領域研究能力之提升。 Objectives The primary goal of this class is to help students in their understanding of accounting knowledge and improve their ability of research through the class disscussion of the accounting-related articles.
教材 學術期刊文獻 Teaching Materials academic journals
成績評量方式 平時報告+上課表現+考試 Grading presentation + examination
教學內容 本課程係透過全球、商業及管制環境之觀點來探討公司治理與資本市場的相關議題。透過研究與分析學術性文獻,使學生瞭解財務資訊對投資人、資本市場的重要性、公司治理與管理當局之課責性,以幫助學生拓展研究領域。 Syllabus This course is intended to develop an awareness and understanding of main themes and issues pertaining to corporate governance from global, commercial and regulatory perspectives. We will discuss the importance of financial information to investors and the capital markets, and emergence of corporate governance.