朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Learning by Practice in Oversea 海外實習

當期課號 7002 Course Number 7002
授課教師 陳建勝 Instructor CHEN,JIAN SHEN
中文課名 海外實習 Course Name Learning by Practice in Oversea
開課單位 管理學院(碩士班) Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 安排研究生赴海外企業實習兩個月,以增進對跨國企業實務之了解。 Objectives To learn the real world business by two months practice in oversea business.
教材 中文講義及補充教材. Teaching Materials Powerpoint file and other Supplement Material.
成績評量方式 實習報告30%;實習表現70%. Grading Practice in Oversea 70%; Final Report 30%.
教師網頁 http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com
教學內容 海外實習係基於學校設備及相關師資不足之情況下,結合業界之職場資源來達到學生實務能力訓練的目標,而業界亦可藉此方式培訓未來的人力,以及增加產學合作之機會,以達學校、學生與業界三贏的局面。本課程擬由越南、印尼及泰國等地遴選合適之台商進行國際管理實務論壇,同時遴選合適的碩士生於暑假期間至海外台商進行國際管理實務學習,以強化產學交流及師生的國際管理實務經驗,其實質合作內容如下:
Syllabus The implementation of oversea internship is based on the shortness of equipments and teachers from school, and takes advantage of the resources from businesses to accomplish the purpose of practical training. So, the business is able to obtain future human recourse and schools get an opportunity of cooperation from industry. Hence, there is a win-win-win situation. Therefore, the goals of this courses are to hold an international management practice forum with Taiwan business in Vietnam, Indonesia, and Thailand, and choose graduate students to participate oversea internship in summer vacation. So, we can strength our exchange with industry and international experience for both teachers and students. The content of the cooperation will be the following:
1. To increase the opportunity of industry exchange through international management practice forum.
2. To strength students’ international practical training by oversea internship.
3. To create the characteristic of the university by assisting the training human resource for oversea Taiwan business.
or the school, student and business.