朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Computer Organization & Architecture 計算機組織與結構

當期課號 3717 Course Number 3717
授課教師 劉省宏 Instructor LIU,SHING HONG
中文課名 計算機組織與結構 Course Name Computer Organization & Architecture
開課單位 資訊工程系(四進)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程主要講述計算機系統各單元架構運作情形。學生在完成本課程後,將可了解關於計算機系統以下幾個主題:1.記憶體 2. 輸入及輸出 3. 中央處理裝置4. 指令集5. 控制單元6. 精簡指令系統。 Objectives The goal of this course is to provide the students with a basic knowledge of computer system. The students will realize the following computer system basics after finishing this course: 1. Memory, 2. I/O, 3. CPU, 4. Instruction set, 5. Control unit, 6. Reduced Instruction Set computer.
教材 1. 教科書 "計算機組織與設計" 東華書局
2. 使用黑板和簡報教授課程
3. 指定作業練習和平實考
4. 實施期中和期末考
Teaching Materials 1. Text book. "Computer Organization and Design"
2. speak teaching by board and PPT
3. Home work and test
4. Midtern and final exam.
成績評量方式 1. 期中和期末各30%
2. 小考和作業外加出席率40%
Grading 1. Midterm/ final exam: 30% respectively.
2. Home work, test, and learning attitute 40%
教學內容 計算機慨念與技術,電腦語言,算術運算,效能評估,資料路徑與控制,記憶體階層 Syllabus computer system basics : 1. Memory, 2. I/O, 3. CPU, 4. Instruction set, 5. Control unit, 6. Reduced Instruction Set computer