朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Creative Management 創意管理

當期課號 3646 Course Number 3646
授課教師 呂國松 Instructor LU,KUO SONG
中文課名 創意管理 Course Name Creative Management
開課單位 老人服務事業管理系(四進)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 理解創意思考、創意管理的重要與其影響學習創新設計、解決問題、團隊合作等方法與技能讓學生獲得創意產生、創意組織、創意評估等一連串過程的能力,提昇自己的創造力,進而成為創意的管理者將課堂所習之創意思維與概念靈活運用於銀髮產業的創新、創意工作。 Objectives This course will help student realize what is creative thought, creative management and creative designing. Furthermore, the student will adopt their professional knowledge to solve question, form group cooperating method or skill to enable their own organization or commit operating continually, especially in the senior industry.
教材 國內外個案分析 Teaching Materials Case study
成績評量方式 1.出席率 ……………… 20%
2.上課之互動與討論 … 20%
3.隨堂作業 …………… 20%
4.期中考或作業 ……… 20%
5.期末考或作業 ……… 20%
Grading 1.Attend................20%
2.Discussion in class...20%
3.Home work.............20%
5.Case study............20%
教師網頁 暫無
教學內容 (一)創意概論:何謂創意
Syllabus 1.What's Creative?
2.Why need to Creative?
3.How to thinking?
4.How to practice?
5.Case study.
6.Creative management.
7.Application in industry.
8.Application for yourself.