朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Basic English Conversation 基礎英語會話

當期課號 3508 Course Number 3508
授課教師 林育如 Instructor LIN,YU JU
中文課名 基礎英語會話 Course Name Basic English Conversation
開課單位 應用外語系(四進)一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 為了加強學生的口語及溝通技巧,學生應養成良好的學習態度及基本原理。
1. 英語發音技巧(學期內持續練習並將定期測試)
2. 基礎文法與應用- 動詞時態,子句及習慣用法
3. 建立單字及一般有關常識
4. 理解力及相關知識建立- 額外的題材(小說)
Objectives All instructions are given in English. Teaching and learning materials should be made as authentic as possible (may be multi-media based). Drilling and repetition exercises are essential especially for students of this level. Lessons are progressive in nature and each topic usually lasts about 1-3 weeks according & including the following:
1.Pronunciation & speaking skills.
2.Grammar application
3.Vocabulary & knowledge building
4.Comprehension and knowledge building
教材 Smart choice (2A) Teaching Materials Smart choice (2A)
成績評量方式 隨堂測驗/出席率/課堂參與(50%)
Grading Tests/attendance/participation(50%) Midterm(20%)
Final exam (30%)
教學內容 Students can use basic English to make themselves understood and , to a limited extent, can understand the English around them. The course provides support and reinforcement in order to help students feel confident about their communicative abilities.

The contents are as follows:
1. vocabulary
students first of all need words, the building blocks of language. Students engage in a matching or categorizing task which focuses on the meaning of the new vocabulary.
"stretch vocabulary" activity allows students to add words they already know to the total vocabulary available to the class.
2. conversation
The conversation is designed to build students' confidence in their ability to speak and understand everyday English. Using the vocabulary students have just learned.
3. Pronunciation
The pronunciation focuses on features of spoken English, including stress, intonation, reductions, and linked sounds.
4. Grammar
The correct use of grammar is an essential element of communicative competence.
5. small talk
The small talk activity gives students a fun and straightforward way to practice the key language of the book.
Syllabus Students can use basic English to make themselves understood and , to a limited extent, can understand the English around them. The course provides support and reinforcement in order to help students feel confident about their communicative abilities.

The contents are as follows:
1. vocabulary
students first of all need words, the building blocks of language. Students engage in a matching or categorizing task which focuses on the meaning of the new vocabulary.
"stretch vocabulary" activity allows students to add words they already know to the total vocabulary available to the class.
2. conversation
The conversation is designed to build students' confidence in their ability to speak and understand everyday English. Using the vocabulary students have just learned.
3. Pronunciation
The pronunciation focuses on features of spoken English, including stress, intonation, reductions, and linked sounds.
4. Grammar
The correct use of grammar is an essential element of communicative competence.
5. small talk
The small talk activity gives students a fun and straightforward way to practice the key language of the book.