朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Advanced English Writing (I) 進階英文寫作(一)

當期課號 3483 Course Number 3483
授課教師 王宛羚 Instructor WANG,WAN LING
中文課名 進階英文寫作(一) Course Name Advanced English Writing (I)
開課單位 應用外語系(二進)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 文寫作課程(一)是藉由整合性,理解性的寫作訓練,以其幫助學生發展出良好閱讀與分析、評估文章的技巧。透過〝閱讀前〞和〝閱讀後〞的練習, 以標示出良好寫作的優點和特色,如寫作結構、修辭模式等,均為學生練習的重點。本課程的目標:熟悉不同的寫作風格、適度語言使用,、成熟的修辭技巧等,如描述、比較分類以及論述式寫作。 Objectives This is a successive and comprehensive stage of writing after students have been trained to create cohesive and comprehensible units of essay paragraphs. This course is intended to help student readers to develop skills in the reading and evaluation of analytic and descriptive texts, and other texts with different styles. Students will be exposed to experience diverse pre and post-reading exercises to highlight aspects of good writing, such as structure, rhetorical patterns and other features. Based on this skill, when students explore the rules and methods of essay-writing, they should be able to improve the effectiveness in presenting knowledge and viewpoints. This goal can be reached through the integration of language skills: reading, speaking, and writing and classroom activities such as discussion presentation, etc.
教材 現代英文寫作教程 Composing Our World

作者:文庭澍、Catherine Dibello
Teaching Materials Title: Composing Our World

Writer: Cathy Dello By 2007
成績評量方式 1. 出席率: 15%
2. 課堂參與: 10%
3. 作業: 25%
4. 報告: 20%
5. 期中及期末考: 30%
Grading 1. Attendance: (15%) You are expected to attend all classes. Missing more than FOUR meetings of the class, including excused absences, may lead to your failure in this course.
2. In-Class Participation: (10%) You are encouraged to participate actively in class discussion, and make comments or ask questions about concepts or issues. Your grade will be based on your participation in class discussion/activities.
3. Assignments: (25%) The grade will be based on out-of-class assignments you are asked to do from time to time. You need to take responsibility for turning homework exercises in at the right place and time. Assignments should be turned in at the beginning of class on the due date. The written work you submit must be typed.
4. Presentation: (20%) You are expected to give in-class oral presentations on certain assigned topic and lead class discussions. Further details will be provided later.
5. Midterm Exam & Final Exam: (30%) Further details will be provided later.
教學內容 1. 課程介紹
2. 構思活動與製作大綱
3. 段落的結構
4. 統一性及連貫性
5. 段落發展格式
6. 寫作技巧
7. 敘述性文章
8. 程序性文章
9. 期中考
10. 問題解決文章
11. 分類性文章
12. 比較性文章
13. 因果文章
14. 說服性文章
15. 摘要文章
16. 私人信函與卡片
17. 報告
18. 期末考
Syllabus 1. Introduction to the course
2. Pre-writing and outlining
3. The structure of a paragraph
4. Unity and coherence
5. Patterns of development
6. Essay writing & writing strategies
7. The Narrative Essay (Group 1)
8. Midterm Exam
9. The Problem/Solution Essay (Group 3)
10. The Classification Essay (Group 4)
11. The Comparison/Contrast Essay (Group 5)
12. The Cause/Effect Essay (Group 6)
13. The Persuasive Essay
14. Summary Writing
15. Personal Letters and Cards
16. Presentation
17. Final Exam