朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
History of Communications 傳播史

當期課號 3453 Course Number 3453
授課教師 湛明暉 Instructor CHAN,MING HUI
中文課名 傳播史 Course Name History of Communications
開課單位 傳播藝術系(四進)二A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 教學目標:
1. 啟發對傳播史的興趣,俾能主動學習傳播相關歷史 (其他)
2. 認清傳播史變遷的因果發展,思索人我、群我的關係,以培養其推理、批判、思考及反省的能力(知識)
3. 藉由課程了解傳播從業者應有之歷史責任感 (態度)
4. 能解釋傳播現象,評價傳播歷史人物、重大事件並探討傳播相關之歷史問題(技能)
Objectives 1. Understand how historical information is disseminated in order to gain interest in communication (other) 2. Understand cause and effect in the historical development of communication; gain insight into the relationship of individuals and groups, thereby developing reasoning, critical thinking, and self-reflection skills (knowledge) 3. Develop a sense of historical responsibility as a communications professional (development) 4. Articulate the importance of historical figures, major events, and historical issues in communication; discuss issues in communications (skills).
教材 指定教科書
《大眾傳播概論》Melvin L. DeFleur / Everette E. Dennis原著(2005年5月)台北:雙葉。

Teaching Materials Griffiths
《Understanding Mass Communition: A Liberal Arts Perspective(7E)》 By Melvin L. DeFleur / Everette E. Dennis

Reference book
成績評量方式 出席率與課堂討論(30%)
Grading Attendance and classroom discussion (30%)
Midterm (30%)
Final grouping reports (40%)
教學內容 學習重點:



Syllabus Learning focus:
Frescoes from the Upper Cave Man , has been to cloud the future of technology, the spread of human history from the physical into the virtual . The evolution of communication, representing the evolution of human society, of the Department of Communication students, we need to know include:

1. Communication history, as well as the social affect.
2. Communication on human culture, especially the impact of popular culture.
3. Dissemination of the history of important events.
4. Media issues impact on society.
5. Discuss of media development in the future.

This course is expected to help students complete understanding of the historical evolution of the communication, the essence of the macro-explore and features, as well as personal and social impact, have spread their knowledge and professional competence.

Teaching methods:
1. Courses taught by teachers, weekly themes please course students from personal experience and observation, participation in interactive discussions.
2. Except textbook content , complemented by current events or social problems, for interpretation of the discussions.