朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Three-dimensional Design 立體造形

當期課號 3420 Course Number 3420
授課教師 陳松志 Instructor CHEN,SUNG CHIH
中文課名 立體造形 Course Name Three-dimensional Design
開課單位 視覺傳達設計系(四進)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1.解析立体造形理念的特質,從自然及人文環境各角度、層面去探討。
2.了解並運用造形的基本元素,經由思考將視覺語言符號結合不同材質,將創意理念透過三度空 間之立體造形具體呈現出來。
Objectives 1.Analyzing the characteristics of the theory of Form through various angles—Nature, culture, and environment. 2.After conceptual understanding, then combine the principal elements with visual language, and materialize it by the presentation of three-dimensional art works.
教材 自編教材
Teaching Materials self-made material
slides, DVD of related artworks etc.
成績評量方式 實務練習,口頭報告,課堂討論,課程參與度。平時成績40%(包括學習態度),期中成績30%,期末成績30% Grading project practice, verbal report,class discussion,attendance
Regular Assignment 40% (including learning attitude),Mid-term 30%, Final 30%.
教學內容 讓學生了解複合媒材創作理念,運用生活中的資源,以不同材質經由個人構思創作成立體作品。
Syllabus Students learn the concept of Mixed media then create three-dimensional art works out of daily resources and various media.
Enphasizing originality and execution ability.Students are encouraged to express personal creativity and demonstrate the characteristics of each medium.