朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Resort Management 渡假中心管理

當期課號 3225 Course Number 3225
授課教師 曾瓊偉 Instructor TSENG,CHIUNG WEI
中文課名 渡假中心管理 Course Name Resort Management
開課單位 休閒事業管理系(四進)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 從商業的角度探討休閒度假村的基本架構,包含自然資源與休閒設施的關係、度假村的經營之道、度假村的活動設計...等。 Objectives The purpose of this class is to discuss the unique structure of resorts from a business viewpoint.
It covers crucial issues such as the relationship between the natural resources and recreational facilities, a basic knowledge of operating a resort, and guest activity programming.
教材 1.單元講授(自編教材)
Teaching Materials 1.lecturing
2.Case study
成績評量方式 1.出席狀況:10%
Grading 1.Attendance:10%
2.Discussion involvement:20%
3.Midterm Examination:30%
4.Team report:40%
教學內容 台灣週休二日的實施,國人愈來愈重視休閒的生活,因此休閒空間與環境的需求也愈來愈大,雖然台灣的休閒場所有如春筍般的成長,然而在這競爭的環境中,如不能有效地經營與管理,是容易被社會所淘汰。
Syllabus Taiwan's implementation of the two-day weekend, people more and more attention to their leisure life, so the demand for leisure space and the environment is also growing, although Taiwan's leisure facilities like bamboo shoots-like growth, but in this competitive environment, if not effective operation and management, is easily eliminated by the community.
Resort products and services offered by quite a lot of categories, properties are also different, teaching the use of different attributes of leisure holiday activities, from a practical point of view coordinate with the relevant theory, clearly describe the differences between months and management's skills and experience . Especially for the use of natural resources and sustainable development more deeply.