朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Mutual Fund Management 基金管理

當期課號 3024 Course Number 3024
授課教師 羅明敏 Instructor LO,MING MIN
中文課名 基金管理 Course Name Mutual Fund Management
開課單位 財務金融系(四進)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 了解共同基金市場架構,基金商品種類、設計原理、行銷策略,並分析基金經理人操作管理基金的各種策略運作,進而研究影響共同基金市場行情的因素。本課程亦針對基金公司展業人員如何面對投資人,如何促銷,重點介紹基金的行銷實務。 Objectives This course will guide students toward understanding of mutual fund market related knowledge . It will cover the concept of mutual fund market structure and instruments , advanced operation knowhow and investment strategy about open-end type fund 、 closed-end type fund and international funds . Selected homework and exercise include term-paper presentation and Taiwan mutual fund market study.
教材 基金管理-資產管理的入門寶典 林傑宸 著 智勝書局 Teaching Materials Fund Management
成績評量方式 平時成績30% 學習評量70%(期中考35%/期末考35%) Grading Ordinary Score (30%) Test(70%) (Midterm Exam 35% / Final Exam 35%)
教學內容 本課教學內容係希望採深入淺出方式,引導同學認識基金管理,同時搭配理論教學及實務應用個案,並藉由實務個案研究來學以致用,以期能達理論與實務結合之教學目標。課程內容分三階段進行,第一階段介紹共同基金基本概念,第二階段介紹基金投資管理與績效評估方法,第三階段以專題方式介紹不同性質的基金管理方式如對沖基金及創投基金等,建立全方位基金管理概念。 Syllabus The object of this lecture is to learn the framework of Fund Management, including primary academic theory and empirical analysis. Through actual case study, we hope that students could apply the text material to actual situation. This course will include three sections to establish the overall comprehension of fund management. The first one is focus on fundamentals of Mutual Fund management. The second one includes investment management and performance valuation. The third part will show up the different kind of fund management with case study like Hedge fund and Venture Capital fund