朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Information Security 資訊安全技術

當期課號 2592 Course Number 2592
授課教師 陳興忠 Instructor CHEN,HSING CHUNG
中文課名 資訊安全技術 Course Name Information Security
開課單位 資訊與通訊系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 "使學生能夠具有 a. 基礎資訊安全之能力 b. 了解各種密碼系統簡介、數位簽章、入侵偵測及弱點掃瞄等議題。 c. 透過課堂上的案例實作將進一步可提昇學生網路安全的知識。 " Objectives "This course provides the students with: a. Basic knowledge of information security. b. Realize the following important topics, such as the Cryptography systems, digital signature, intrustion detection and weakness scan. c. Promote the knowledge of network security of students by instance practice."
教材 1-資訊與網路安全技術. 作者:粘添壽,出版社:旗標出版社,出版日:2008/11/1 Teaching Materials None
成績評量方式 期中考30%
小考及出席成績 40%
Grading Midterm 30%
Final 30%
Quiz/Attandance 40%
教學內容 本課程主要介紹資訊安全的技術,學生在完成本課程後,將可了解關於資訊安全技術介紹,其主要涵蓋的範圍有:1. 資訊安全技術簡介 2. 數論 3. 各種密碼系統簡介4. 公開金匙密碼系統 5. 對稱性加密法 6. 數位簽章 7. 資安技術標準 Syllabus The goal of this course is to provide the students with a basic knowledge of information security. The students will realize the following important topics after finishing this course: 1. Introduction to information security. 2. Number theory 3. Cryptography systems, 4. Public key systems, 5. Symmetric cryptography systems, 6. Digital signature, 7. Security standards.