朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Special Topics 實務專題

當期課號 2528 Course Number 2528
授課教師 林坤緯 Instructor LIN,KUN WEI
中文課名 實務專題 Course Name Special Topics
開課單位 資訊工程系(四日)三B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 1 Credits 1
課程目標 本課程訓練學生閱讀與簡報研究領域相關的期刊論文,以及針對其他同學的報告撰寫心得及發問。 Objectives The goal of this course is to learn how to read and present a journal paper related to his research field. Writing reports and questions are also needed in this class.
教材 Lecture Note Teaching Materials Lecture Note
成績評量方式 成績高低依此原則 1. 期中考: 30% 2. 期末考30% 3. 其他: 40% (含學習態度、作業、小考、報告)
Grading 1. Midterm exam. : 30% 2. Final exam. :30% 3. Others(learning attitude, homework, quiz, report..): 40%
教學內容 本課程主要目標在於訓練學生對於嵌入式開發的能力,培養嵌入式系統開發的高階人才。課程的教授重點主要分為下列幾個階段:
1. 介紹嵌入式系統的基本架構
2. 開發環境與開發流程介紹
3. 開發訓練平台的介紹與操作
4. CPU指令集介紹與操作
5. 嵌入式作業系統開發環境介紹與操作
6. 嵌入式應用程式設計
7. 各種基本實驗實習
8. Slackware 及開發環境安裝
9. 嵌入式 Web Server 安裝
Syllabus The goal of this course is to introduce the concepts of embedded systems including embedded system OS, embedded system platform, embedded IDE. In addition, this course also makes students have the ability of embedded system programming, embedded system programming. In the following, we list the purposes of this course:
1. Introduction to the basic concepts .
2. Introduction to the IDE and Platform.
3. Operations and developments of embedded systems.
4. Introduction to the ISA of embedded CPU.
5. Introduction to the embedded OS.
6. Embedded system programming.
7. The experiments.