朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Activities Designing for Elderly 老人活動設計

當期課號 2363 Course Number 2363
授課教師 黃雅鈴 Instructor HUANG,YA LING
中文課名 老人活動設計 Course Name Activities Designing for Elderly
開課單位 老人服務事業管理系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程在提供老人服務 之理論與實務,透過活動設計與帶動 的應用過程,以符合老人實務工作需求。 Objectives This course is to provide theory and practice of elder service
, through the application process for the activity design and perform, to match practice need of elder.
教材 主要教材

1.Flatten, Kay/ Wilhite, Barbara (1988). Recreation activities for the elderly. Springer Publishing Company
2.M Jean Keller (2008). Activities with Developmentally Disabled Elderly and Older Adults (Activities Adaptation and Aging Ser). Haworth Press.
3.Vicki Dent (2003). Group Activities With Older Adults. Fred Sammons.
4.Patricia M Cornish (1983). Activities for the frail-aged. Fred Sammons.
5.Carol, Will, Sandra D., Parker, and Cheryl L., Burke (1993). Activities for the Elderly: A Guide to Quality Programming. Idyll Arbor.
6.Sandra Parker & Carol Will (1993). Activities for the Elderly: A Guide to Working With Residents With Significant Physical and Cognitive Disabilities. Idyll Arbor.
7.Kay Flatten, Barbara Wilhite, Eleanor Reyes-Watson (1988). Exercise activities for the elderly. Springer Publishing Company.
Teaching Materials Materials

1.Flatten, Kay/ Wilhite, Barbara (1988). Recreation activities for the elderly. Springer Publishing Company
2.M Jean Keller (2008). Activities with Developmentally Disabled Elderly and Older Adults (Activities Adaptation and Aging Ser). Haworth Press.
3.Vicki Dent (2003). Group Activities With Older Adults. Fred Sammons.
4.Patricia M Cornish (1983). Activities for the frail-aged. Fred Sammons.
5.Carol, Will, Sandra D., Parker, and Cheryl L., Burke (1993). Activities for the Elderly: A Guide to Quality Programming. Idyll Arbor.
6.Sandra Parker & Carol Will (1993). Activities for the Elderly: A Guide to Working With Residents With Significant Physical and Cognitive Disabilities. Idyll Arbor.
7.Kay Flatten, Barbara Wilhite, Eleanor Reyes-Watson (1988). Exercise activities for the elderly. Springer Publishing Company.
成績評量方式 1. 個人平時20%:課堂參與出席情形20%。
2. 期中考20%:依學校考試規定進行筆試。
3. 期中報告30%:
A. 以6~8人為一組,進行老人活動與輔具設計專題報告,每組以老人活動為主軸進行活動與輔具設計核心概念之報告。每組針對各類型活動均需設計活動案與完成計畫書,並擇一進行實務操作帶領,且必須完成輔具製作。(活動設計均需撰寫行銷與維持方案)
B. 每組針對各類型活動均需準備五分鐘的簡報,且各組必須提問至少一次,且撰寫學習回饋表單。
C. 輔具製作均需詳列製作方式與過程,需附圖。
D. 各組進行實務操作帶領時,各組務必需安排照相與攝影人員,並將拍攝內容納入成果報告之中。

4. 期末報告30%:
A. 與彰化榮民中心合作,進行大型活動設計與實務操作,預計於期中考前參訪彰化榮民中心(約第八週),進行活動設計之初步評估。
B. 全班共分2~4組,各組需協調溝通,設定共同主題,並分別設計出開場活動(約10-15分)、主活動(約20-25分)、緩和活動 (約10-15分)。
C. 各組均需將構想撰寫成計畫書,最後將所有活動匯整成總體計畫書,計畫書需詳載經費預算、設備需求、工作事項與人員安排等內容。
D. 需安排特定照相與攝影人員,並將拍攝內容納入成果報告之中。


1. 排定上課座位。
2. 遲到十分鐘以缺課計。
3. 書面報告封面與內文格式,務必依照規定格式排版。
4. 將學期過程中所有報告與實務操作等內容,以書面形式集結並裝訂成冊與將所有資料檔案燒錄成光碟片,於期末考週繳交「期末成果報告書」及「光碟片」一份,占總成績10%。
5. 各種型態活動將搭配實務影片方式進行教學。
Grading Midterm report 20%
Participation 20%
Midterm examinatio 20%
Midterm report 30%
Final report 30%

Note: It will to modify with student’s participation in class.
教學內容 教授老人休閒與保健、銀髮族活動設計實務,以及身心機能活化運動介紹等概念;並結合高齡者模擬體驗課程、活力養生操演練、溫熱運動、團體帶動設計要點(手指筋力暨伸展運動)、帶動實務(全身協調暨伸展運動)、團體競技運動規則說明(爾槌球、賓果投擲等);最後,透過學期成果活動帶領之發表,讓學生學習到老人活動設計理論與實務課程。 Syllabus Recreation programs shold specify the intended participants, that is, for whom programs have been designed. After all, in effective recreation programming with elderly. Among elderly persons' demands are those for programs which increase life satisfaction and improve quality of life. Attempts to meet these demands have resulted in the development of many programs such as congregate meals, day care, and activity center programs. Finally, the students are could understand how to help older adults maintain newly acquired behaviors.