朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Practicum in Early Childhood Education and Care (I) 嬰幼兒教保實習(一)

當期課號 2241 Course Number 2241
授課教師 孫扶志 Instructor SUN,FU CHIH
中文課名 嬰幼兒教保實習(一) Course Name Practicum in Early Childhood Education and Care (I)
開課單位 幼兒保育系(四日)三B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程透過實際的參觀、課堂上的討論及心得分享,幫助同學充實幼教知識,熟悉職場上所需之技能,體認專業職責與倫理、啟發專業志趣 Objectives The course helps students enrich their knowledge about early childhood education, sharpen their skills in early child care, and cultivate their professionalism and ethics as a professional in early childhood education, through visits to early childhood education and care programs, group discussion, and experience sharing.
教材 參觀學校 討論分享
專題演講 個案研究
Teaching Materials visit kindergarten
成績評量方式 參觀園所.專題演講 個人心得報告(50%)
Grading lecture's reporting
team's reporting
教師網頁 www.cyut.edu.tw/~fcsun
教學內容 (一)充實幼兒保育專業知能、了解幼兒保育現況。(二)運用教學理論於實際教學,驗證專業學理、增加實務經驗,以補理論之不足。(三)瞭解工作環境及內容、認識工作對象、理解國內幼兒保育暨相關機構現況。(四)體認專業職責與倫理、啟發專業志趣。 Syllabus Practicum in Early Childhood Education
1.theories and practices
2.teacher's role