朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Aesthetics 美學

當期課號 2028 Course Number 2028
授課教師 林建榮 Instructor LIN,CHIEN JUNG
中文課名 美學 Course Name Aesthetics
開課單位 傳播藝術系(四日)一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 教學目標:
1. 了解美學概念史的歷史分期 (知識)
2. 具備美感經驗並將其運用於影視美術設計 (技能)
3. 美感經驗的養成(態度)
4. 回歸生活美學的內涵 (其他)
Objectives 1.Learn history and concepts in the study of aesthetics (knowledge)
2.Apply study of aesthetics to film and television art and design (skills)
3.Gain experience in the study of aesthetics (development)
4.Apply life-world experience to the study of aesthetics (other)
教材 1.《美學的十五堂課》,凌繼堯 著,五南圖書出版股份有限公司,台北,2007。
2.《藝術的故事》,E.H. Gombrich著 雨云 譯,聯經出版事業公司,台北,1997。
Teaching Materials 1. The fifteen courses of aestheticism, Ling Ji Yao, Wu-Nan Book Inc., Taipei, 2007.
2. The Story of Art, E.H. Gombrich, Taiwanese edition published by Linking Publishjug Co Ltd, Taipei, 1997.
成績評量方式 1. 平時學習表現:出缺席、平時作業與分組討論、報告。
2. 期中報告。
3. 期末報告。
Grading 1. Learning performance: attendance, assignments and group discussion & reports.
2. Midterm report.
3. Final report.
教學內容 週次1. 課程簡介,什麼是美?
週次2. 東、西方美學簡介、比較
週次3. 美的根源與特徵、內容與形式。
週次4. 什麼是藝術美?形式美?
週次5. 什麼是美感的生理基礎與心理內容?
週次6. 藝術與生活的關係。
週次7. 審美過程中的「移情」作用。
週次8. 期中報告
週次9. 審美感受中的想像活動與情感活動。
週次10. 如何解釋靈感?
週次11. 如何理解視覺藝術的美學特徵?
週次12. 如何欣賞藝術作品?
週次13. 什麼決定藝術的價值?
週次14. 藝術家美感經驗分享、交流
週次15. 期末分組報告
週次16. 期末分組報告
Syllabus week 1. Introduction to the course: What is beauty? the definition of aestheticism.
week 2. Overview and comparison of eastern and western aestheticism.
week 3. Origin, traits, content and forms of aestheticism.
week 4. What is artistic beauty? beauty in form? What do gracefulness and sublime mean?
week 5. What is the physical foundation and psychological content of aestheticism?
week 6. The relationship between art and life.
week 7. “transference” in aesthetic process.
week 8. Midterm report.
week 9. The imaginative and affectionate acts in aestheticism.
week 10. How to explain inspiration?
week 11. How to understand the aesthetic traits in visual art?
week 12. How to appreciate art works? understanding the mutuality and discrepancy of aestheticism.
week 13. What decides the value of art? the connection between artists and art works.
week 14. Sharing and discussion of aesthetic experiences.
week 15. Final group reports.
week 16. Final group reports.