朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Environment Planning and Design(5) 環境規劃與設計(五)

當期課號 1968 Course Number 1968
授課教師 許國威 Instructor HSU,KUO WEI
中文課名 環境規劃與設計(五) Course Name Environment Planning and Design(5)
開課單位 景觀及都市設計系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 5 Credits 5
課程目標 本課程依據當前環境規劃重要議題,設定綠校園 都市更新 觀光及文化主題園區三大主題,並由同學依性向及興趣分別選定主題, 選擇指導老師, 並研提規劃設計分組題目,進行完整環境規劃設計.本課程視為都市計畫及景觀建築系之畢業設計,期能透過完整的規劃設計操作過程, 綜合歷年所學,呈現具深度及廣度的設計方案. Objectives This course is designed to three project topic - Indigenous Community Planning & Culture Landscape, Recreational & Landscape Conservation and Urban Design. The contents of design projects cover from middle scale cases to large ones. The aim is to explore students’ design abilities in depth to comprehend overall design process through site analyses, design concepts, and even urban design criteria.
教材 都市計畫分析方法
Teaching Materials Landscape and recreation ecological planning
Decision making analysis and executive supporting systme
Disquisition speech
成績評量方式 1.平時成績30%,
Grading 1.Personal Homework 30%,
2.Project Review 60%,
3.Class Participation 10%
教學內容 本課程操作主題分為都市設計,景觀設計以及城鄉規劃三大主題,並有效的將永續的考量導入規劃設計中.本課程由同學依性向及興趣分別選定主題, 選擇指導老師, 並研提規劃設計分組題目,配合校外參訪以及基地調查方式,進行完整環境規劃設計.本課程視為都市計畫及景觀建築系之畢業設計,期能透過完整的規劃設計操作過程, 綜合歷年所學,呈現具深度及廣度的設計方案. Syllabus This course is designed to reflect the ecological and sustainable environment issue. All the projects proposed are expected to work under the three project topics, urban design, landscape design, and town and country planning which have a sustainable concern and approach.
Students are grouped according to their own interests and teachers' expertise. The course is regarded as graduation design of our department. Hope students apply what they have learned in the past years and well integrated their knowledge and skills into planning and design practice for full commitment of the project.

Indigenous Community Planning & Culture Landscape, Recreational & Landscape Conservation and Urban Design. The contents of design projects cover from middle scale cases to large ones. The aim is to explore students’ design abilities in depth to comprehend overall design process through site analyses, design concepts, and even urban design criteria.