朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Professional Practice of Architect 建築師實務

當期課號 1803 Course Number 1803
授課教師 李如鈞 Instructor ,
中文課名 建築師實務 Course Name Professional Practice of Architect
開課單位 建築系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 對建築業界不同角色作一較廣度的串連,並從各種業別中所從事的實務內容分別作介紹、了解彼此間之分工與合作關係。進而以階段性的工作從規劃分析、設計、施工、監造、管理、維護整個流程,說明各相關的建築實務工作。 Objectives A brief guide of all the features working in the architectural field, also including the subside professionals such like planning, design work, construction, mantanauc …, Following with different case studies in order to help students realized the team work relationship in architectural firms and the coordinate ability of the architect associates.
教材 講師自編講義,PP Teaching Materials lecture & PP material by teacher
成績評量方式 期中考試50﹪期末報告50﹪ Grading midterm-exam 50% ,final-report 50%
教學內容 1.建築師的實務總論 2.建築師事務所組織及運作 3.營造公司,建設公司之組織與經營 4.建築工程契約與建築工程施工知能 5.建築規劃設計實務 6.設計實例介紹與競圖案例模擬 7.建築執照之分類與申請 8.建築專業成本控制與管理9.建築施工監造實務10.期末案例研討報告 Syllabus A brief guide of all the features working in the architectural field, also including the subside professionals such like planning, design work, construction, management …. Following with different case studies in order to help students realized the team-work relationship in architectural firms and the coordinate ability of the architect associates.