朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
International Finance 國際金融

當期課號 1063 Course Number 1063
授課教師 林鳴琴 Instructor LIN,MING CHIN
中文課名 國際金融 Course Name International Finance
開課單位 財務金融系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 瞭解國際收支,外匯市場,掌握國際貿易與國民所得的關係。探討國際收支各種調整機能的適用條件與效能限度,國際金融市場的整合 Objectives This course includes the study of foreign exchange, balance of payment, the international monetary system and the world’s money and capital markets and their relationships with the financial operations of multinational firms. Also explores relevant aspects of international financial management through a services of case studies.Covers the basic concepts and theories in International Finance. Selected topics include income and balance of payments, the Mendel-Fleming model and some extensions, theory of purchasing power parity, elasticity and monetary approaches to the balance of payments, various approaches to the determination of the exchange rate, and international monetary arrangements and reforms.
教材 Krugman and Obstfeld: International Economics------Theory and Policy; 8th Edition Teaching Materials Krugman and Obstfeld: International Economics------Theory and Policy; 8th Edition
成績評量方式 期中考/期末考/平時作業 Grading Mid-term exam/Final Exam/Discussion
教學內容 本課程以匯率理論為核心,介紹外匯市場運作以及匯率的定義,講授匯率決定理論,最後探討物價水準,國民所得等總體經濟變數與匯率的關係.

1. 外匯市場概況 2. 匯率決定理論 3. 總體經濟和匯率的關係
Syllabus This course includes the study of foreign exchange, balance of payment, the international monetary system and the world’s money and capital markets and their relationships with the financial operations of multinational firms. Also explores relevant aspects of international financial management through a services of case studies.Covers the basic concepts and theories in International Finance. Selected topics include income and balance of payments, the Mendel-Fleming model and some extensions, theory of purchasing power parity, elasticity and monetary approaches to the balance of payments, various approaches to the determination of the exchange rate, and international monetary arrangements and reforms.

1. Exchange Rates Market 2. Exchange Rates Determinants 3. Macroeconomics and Exchange Rates