朝陽科技大學 099學年度第1學期教學大綱
Freshman English 大一英文

當期課號 0238 Course Number 0238
授課教師 黃子育 Instructor Huang,Tzu Yu
中文課名 大一英文 Course Name Freshman English
開課單位 校訂必修(四日) Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程是日間部四技大一學生的兩學期必修課程。此共同英文課程的具體目標為提升學生各項語文技能:一、聽:能理解日常生活裡人際溝通之英語,並做適當之回應。二、說:能與同儕、友人或教師以英語做真實而有意義的溝通。三、讀:能善加運用英文閱讀策略,了解一般文章的內容大意。四、寫:能以英文語句、段落及文章,清楚而完整地表達意見。 Objectives This two-semester course is required for all freshmen who are enrolled in the four-year day program. It is a general English course that aims to enhance the main skills in English language learning as follows:Listening: To be able to understand daily conversational English and to respond properly.Speaking: To be able to communicate with classmates, friends, and teachers in English in a natural and meaningful fashion.Reading: To be able to apply various reading strategies in understanding the content of general articles.Writing: To be able to clearly express opinions with various phrases, paragraphs, and articles.
教材 1. Outlook 1
2. AZAR- Fundamentals of English Grammar 基礎-英漢版課本 by Betty Schrampfer Azar (3/e)
Teaching Materials 1. Outlook 1
2. AZAR- Fundamentals of English Grammar by Betty Schrampfer Azar (3/e)
成績評量方式 (1) 期中考 20%
(2) 期末考 20%
(3) 小考 15%
(4) 作業 35%
(5) 小組報告 5%
(6) 口試 5%
Grading (1)Midterm 20%
(2)Final Exam 20%
(3)Quizzes 15%
(4)Assignments 35%
(5)Group presentation 5%
(6)Oral test 5%
教學內容 課程敘述:
這門課設計來增進學生聽說讀寫的能力並由課堂上提供的學習資源加強他們的英文學習經驗. 課程的教材以及教科書提供多樣的主題擴展學生相關知識並且使學生具有真實生活的英文. 格列佛遊記這本讀本用來培養學生的閱讀技巧,對於內容的理解力以及閱讀能力的訓練並增加學生對於此語言的興趣. 其他課堂補充教材用以激勵學生連結課堂學習到的英語到日常生活的語言使用. 在這堂課中,學生會被引導討論教師提出的議題,並根據課堂教材的主題報告來訓練學生的語言技巧口語表達. 學生也會被要求練習寫作來訓練其英文寫作能力. 這門課目的在於增進學生的英文能力以及引導學生成功的學習方式來達到更高階的英文能力.


此門課要求學生規律的出席, 學生也被鼓勵主動參與課堂活動. 課堂參與佔期末總成績5%. 每位學生被要求參與所有小考,期中及期末考並完成所有作業以及讀本摘要. 所有考試都沒有提供補考
Syllabus Course description:
This course is designed to advance participants’ four skills on English reading, listening, speaking and writing and to strengthen their English learning experiences with resources provided in class. Class materials and the textbook offer diverse daily topics to broaden participants’ knowledge of the world and gear them with real life English. The reader Gulliver’s Travels is assigned to develop participants’ reading skills, comprehension of the contents and reading proficiency, and to increase their interests. Other supplementary materials will be provided to motivate participants to link class materials to real life language use. In this course, participants will be instructed to discuss issues brought up by the instructor and present on various topics based on class materials so as to practice their language skills in different aspects such as oral expressions. Participants will be given writing tasks to develop their writing skills. The integrated instruction of English four skills in this course aims at improving participants’ English competence and directing them to successful English learning methods to achieve higher English proficiency.

Teaching mode: Lecture, group discussion, and group presentation

Course Requirement:
Regular attendance are required. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in class activities in voluntary. Class participation and interaction will be counted for 5% in the final grade. All participants are required to take the quizzes, midterm and final exams and to complete assignments and a written summary of the reader. There will be no make-up test for quizzes, midterm and final.