朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
News writing and Editing 採訪與編輯

當期課號 9080 Course Number 9080
授課教師 林政言 Instructor LIN,CHENG YEN
中文課名 採訪與編輯 Course Name News writing and Editing
開課單位 中文寫作課群(進) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Chinese Writing
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 由於傳播科技的快速發展,使得傳播者的角色顯得極為重要,尤其是在眾多媒體的不同傳播觀點中,資訊的解讀非常容易受到誤導,而媒介的濫用或誤用,往往便是誤解資訊的開端,因此本課程的重點將著重於實務上的採訪訓練,以期能建立一個正確的採訪技巧與運用態度,並予以正確且有效的編輯實務訓練,以達到正確傳達資訊的目標。 Objectives Because of propagating the fast development of science and technology , make the role of the persons who propagate seem extremely important, especially propagating in the view in the difference of numerous mediases, information is very easy to be misled to understand, and the abuse or misapplication of media, is often the beginning of misunderstanding information, so the focal point of a course trains focusing on the interview on the practice, expect to set up a correct interview skill and use the attitude, and give the correct and effective editor the practice is trained, in order to reach the correct goal which transmits information.
教材 自編教材另開立相關參考書目 Teaching Materials From compile teaching material another draw related reference
成績評量方式 平時成績(出缺席 讀書札記 課堂參與) 40% 期中作業(或期中考) 30% 期末作業(或期末考) 30% Grading Mid-term 30% of the homework( or the end of the period tests) of the end of the period of the homework( or mid-term test) of 40% of the score( pay absence to study the classroom of reading notes participates) of the peacetime {Peacetime score( pay absence and study the reading notes classroom participates)40% mid-term 30% period end homework( or the period end tests)30% of the homework( or mid-term test)}
教學內容 由於傳播科技的快速發展,使得傳播者的角色顯得極為重要,尤其是在眾多媒體的不同傳播觀點中,資訊的解讀非常容易受到誤導,而媒介的濫用或誤用,往往便是誤解資訊的開端,因此本課程的重點將著重於實務上的採訪訓練,以期能建立一個正確的採訪技巧與運用態度,並予以正確且有效的編輯實務訓練,以達到正確傳達資訊的目標。 Syllabus Because of propagating the fast development of science and technology , make the role of the persons who propagate seem extremely important, especially propagating in the view in the difference of numerous mediases, information is very easy to be misled to understand, and the abuse or misapplication of media, is often the beginning of misunderstanding information, so the focal point of a course trains focusing on the interview on the practice, expect to set up a correct interview skill and use the attitude, and give the correct and effective editor the practice is trained, in order to reach the correct goal which transmits information.