朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Consumer Behavior 消費者行為

當期課號 3194 Course Number 3194
授課教師 陳玄愷 Instructor CHEN,SHUAN KAI
中文課名 消費者行為 Course Name Consumer Behavior
開課單位 保險金融管理系(四進)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1. 能瞭解消費者行為相關理論與知識。
2. 能應用消費者行為相關知識與分析技巧於行銷管理。
3. 培養專業的消費者行為管理的態度及分析行銷組合策略的客觀性決策方法。
4. 運用學生對「消費者行為」所產生的好奇感,加入個案討論,讓學生在好奇與實務中,瞭解所學實作涵意,以提升其學習成就動機。
Objectives 1. Able to understand consumer behavior theories and knowledge.
2. Able to apply consumer behavior knowledge and analysis skills in marketing management.
3. Having professional consumer behavior management attitudes and objectiveness decision methods of analysis of marketing combination strategies.
4. Adding case discussions in students’ curiosity on consumer behaviors to make students understand the meaning of practice and enhance the learning achievement motive.
教材 1.主要讀本:Hawkins, Best & Coney著,葉日武 譯,消費者行為:建立行銷策略,前程企業管理有限公司,第九版,2004年10月。
(1) Leon G. Schiffman,Leslie Kanuk, Leslie Lazar Kanuk (2003), Consumer Behavior 8th , Pearson Education
(2) J. Paul Peter, Jerry C. Olson, Jerry Olson(2004), Consumer Behavior: And Marketing Strategy 7th , McGraw-Hill Companies
Teaching Materials Hawkins, Best & Coney
成績評量方式 1.小組個案報告與討論(25%)
Grading Case Discussion and Presentation 25%
Mid-term Exam 30%
Presence and participation 15%
Final Exam 30%
教師網頁 http://www.marketing.cyut.edu.tw/ContentDetail.aspx?mid=teacher&cid=65&NewsID=14
教學內容 當前,「滿足顧客需求」已為重要的經營典範,行銷人員更須洞悉目標消費者,了解其決策過程中,以制定出最精確的方案,使行銷活動獲得消費者的青睞。本課程將逐步講解消費者決策的過程,並分析內外部因素在此過程中產生的影響,藉此瞭解行銷人員如何了解顧客,並將產品利益傳達給目標市場,有效地影響顧客「選擇」的過程。
Syllabus 1.Overview of Consumer Behavior
2.Penetrating Consumer’s Mind
3.Scrutinizing Consumer Decision Making
4.Surveying Consumer’s Environment
5.Emerging Consumer Behavior