朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Computer Animation 電腦動畫

當期課號 2695 Course Number 2695
授課教師 陳榮昌 Instructor CHEN,RONG CHUNG
中文課名 電腦動畫 Course Name Computer Animation
開課單位 資訊管理系(四日)二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 介紹電腦動畫的理論與實務。從物體轉換到整個動畫的製程包含、塑模、修整、運動路徑、打光、著色、貼圖、電影剪接及特效等,並將電腦繪圖及多媒體設計的基本概念融入課程之中。將以3D Studio MAX編輯3D物件及場景,並配合其他相關繪圖及影像、視訊編輯軟體,以完成一個3D動畫為目標。 Objectives The theory and practical design of computer animation will be introduced. The entire process of computer animation theory will be covered. This process includes the geometry modeling, re-shape / modification of the objects, animation variables setup (including the motion path, lighting, shading, texture mapping, transforming system, video post, … and so on). Also, the basic concepts of computer graphics and multimedia design will be introduced. The computer software of 3D Studio Max will be used to illustrate the examples. The students need do the exercises and homework on the IBM compatible PC to fully understand the computer animation process. A final project, integrated with the techniques discussed in class, needed to be turn in for the final grade.
教材 講義及相關資料 ftp address: (login: rcchenup, passwd: studentup)
1.吳權威 呂琳琳編著,3ds max 5動畫製作實務,碁峰
2. 吳權威編著 ,3ds max 5應用實務,碁峰
3. 夢幻藝術工作室編著,3D Studio Max R3.x寶藏探索(初階篇、進階篇),文魁
4. V.N.CLUB,MAX檔案3D STUDIO MAX R2.X完全進化論Volume 1,上奇科技AC003
5. V.N.CLUB,MAX檔案3D STUDIO MAX R2.5超級進化論Volume 2,上奇科技AC010
6. 許子凡,3D Studio MAX R2.X完全剖析,文魁出版社M809
7. 傅富垣,3D Studio MAX R2 完全自學手冊,松崗出版社3102839
8. 傅富垣,3D Studio MAX R2 新增功能自學手冊,松崗出版社3102897
Teaching Materials 講義及相關資料 ftp address: (login: rcchenup, passwd: studentup)
1.吳權威 呂琳琳編著,3ds max 5動畫製作實務,碁峰
2. 吳權威編著 ,3ds max 5應用實務,碁峰
3. 夢幻藝術工作室編著,3D Studio Max R3.x寶藏探索(初階篇、進階篇),文魁
4. V.N.CLUB,MAX檔案3D STUDIO MAX R2.X完全進化論Volume 1,上奇科技AC003
5. V.N.CLUB,MAX檔案3D STUDIO MAX R2.5超級進化論Volume 2,上奇科技AC010
6. 許子凡,3D Studio MAX R2.X完全剖析,文魁出版社M809
7. 傅富垣,3D Studio MAX R2 完全自學手冊,松崗出版社3102839
8. 傅富垣,3D Studio MAX R2 新增功能自學手冊,松崗出版社3102897
成績評量方式 評分方式: 專題30%、 作業30%、期中考20%、其他20% Grading project 30%, exercise 30%, med test 20%, other 20%
教師網頁 http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~rcchen/courses/am/html/am982.htm
教學內容 介紹電腦動畫的理論與實務,包含電腦動畫的原理與製作、電腦繪圖基本概念、顯像系統基本原理及多媒體設計的基本觀念,
將以3D Studio MAX 編輯3D物件及場景,並配合其他相關繪圖及影像、視訊編輯軟體,以完成一個3D動畫為目標。
Syllabus It introduce to the concepts and implementation of computer animation. The heorical part includes of the concepts of computer graphics, display system and the design of multimedia. The implementation part includes 3D Studio MAX and other editing software of computer graphics, image and vedio. They lead to build a 3D computer animation.