當期課號 | 2673 | Course Number | 2673 |
授課教師 | 梁錫卿 | Instructor | LIANG,SHYI CHING |
中文課名 | 進階程式設計 | Course Name | Advanced Computer Programing |
開課單位 | 資訊管理系(四日)一C | Department | |
修習別 | 必修 | Required/Elective | Required |
學分數 | 3 | Credits | 3 |
課程目標 | 與程式設計教授相同之語言,目的在培養學生具備物件導向程式設計之能力授課內容包括 (1) 物件基礎程式設計:物件概念介紹、 類別的介紹、多載性 (2) 物件導向程式設計:繼承、封裝、多型 (3) I/O 與 物件應用程式設計 |
Objectives | This course uses the same program language with program design course. The goal lets students have the ability of to use object oriented programming language to design program. The course includes: (1) Object-Based Programming: object concept, define classes, overloading. (2) Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance, Encapsulation, Polymorphism. (3) Input/Output and application of oriented programming design. |
教材 | Java 2 程式設計範例教本 | Teaching Materials | Java 2 程式設計範例教本 |
成績評量方式 | Class Participation: 10%. Homework: 35%. Midterm Exam: 25%. Final Exam: 30%. | Grading | Class Participation: 10%. Homework: 35%. Midterm Exam: 25%. Final Exam: 30%. |
教師網頁 | http://www.cyut.edu.tw/~scliang | ||
教學內容 | 本課程延續程式設計一的內容,將更進一步說明 物件導向程式設計的三大原則:封裝,繼承,以及 多型。並介紹例外處理,檔案處理,以及基本的 使用者圖形介面的設計。 |
Syllabus | This course continues Introdiction to Programming (I) and will further discuss three major principles of object-oriented programming: encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. Also, topics such as excecption handling, file processing, and GUI design will be addressed in the class. |