朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Health Promotion for Aging Population 老人健康促進

當期課號 2627 Course Number 2627
授課教師 黃雅鈴 Instructor HUANG,YA LING
中文課名 老人健康促進 Course Name Health Promotion for Aging Population
開課單位 老人服務事業管理系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程乃運用健康促進與衛生教育的理論與模式,配合高齡者的生理、心理與社會適應特性,融合高齡學習理論,來培養老人健康促進學習計畫之規劃、執行與評價能力。課程進行方式以老人健康身、心、靈三方面著手,以兼具理論探討與實務執行的進程,同時透過老人生活場域實際教育介入經驗之學習,期提高學生對於老人健康促進之認知與操作。本課程將教導學生: Objectives This course is an interdisciplinary introductory course in geriatrics which examines the processes of normal human aging as well as the common diseases and disorders that affect older adults. The purpose of this course is to provide students with the support and opportunity to explore a particular area of interest related to older adult physical, mental, and soul activity. Shared findings and discussions in the discussion setting will permit an integration of findings on specific topics, promote theoretical understanding, and potentially identify gaps in knowledge and directions for future research. In this course, the student will:
教材 1. David Haber (2010). Health Promotion and Aging: Practical Applications for Health Professionals, (Fifth Edition). 參考網址:http://www.flipkart.com/health-promotion-aging-david-haber/082610598x-w7w3fvo5wd

2. 張蓓貞(2004)。健康促進理論與實務。新文京。

3. Colleen Keller and Julie Fleury (1999). Health Promotion for the Elderly. 參考網址:http://www.flipkart.com/health-promotion-elderly-colleen-keller/0761914749-35w3fppbfb
Teaching Materials 1. David Haber (2010). Health Promotion and Aging: Practical Applications for Health Professionals, (Fifth Edition). 參考網址:http://www.flipkart.com/health-promotion-aging-david-haber/082610598x-w7w3fvo5wd

2. 張蓓貞(2004)。健康促進理論與實務。新文京。

3. Colleen Keller and Julie Fleury (1999). Health Promotion for the Elderly. 參考網址:http://www.flipkart.com/health-promotion-elderly-colleen-keller/0761914749-35w3fppbfb
成績評量方式 1. 個人平時20%:課堂參與出席情形20%。
2. 期中報告20%:以4~5人為一組,進行老人健康促進專題報告。期中考前必須先行確定活動主題與相關輔具及書面報告大綱,於期中報告進行20分鐘的簡報,報告當天須同時繳交書面報告與電子檔案。
3. 期末報告30%:依循期中分組人員,進行老人健康促進實務應用成果報告。於期末報告進行30分鐘的老人健康促進成果應用,以落實老人健康促進活動之體驗,報告當天須同時繳交書面報告與電子檔案。
4. 期中考30%:依學校考試規定進行筆試。

Grading Midterm report 20%
Final report 30%
Final exam 30%
Participation 20%

Note: It will to modify with student’s participation in class.
教學內容 本課程乃運用健康促進與衛生教育的理論與模式,配合高齡者的生理、心理與社會適應特性,融合高齡學習理論,來培養老人健康促進學習計畫之規劃、執行與評價能力。課程進行方式以老人健康身、心、靈三方面著手,以兼具理論探討與實務執行的進程,同時透過老人生活場域實際教育介入經驗之學習,期提高學生對於老人健康促進之認知與操作。 Syllabus This course is an interdisciplinary introductory course in geriatrics which examines the processes of normal human aging as well as the common diseases and disorders that affect older adults. The purpose of this course is to provide students with the support and opportunity to explore a particular area of interest related to older adult physical, mental, and soul activity. Shared findings and discussions in the discussion setting will permit an integration of findings on specific topics, promote theoretical understanding, and potentially identify gaps in knowledge and directions for future research.