朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Life Service Planning and Ritual 生命服務規劃與禮俗

當期課號 2625 Course Number 2625
授課教師 黃國達 Instructor HUANG,Guo Da
中文課名 生命服務規劃與禮俗 Course Name Life Service Planning and Ritual
開課單位 老人服務事業管理系(四日)二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程旨在介紹生命服務(殯葬服務)倫理的重要性與生命禮儀的基本規範,並藉由宗教禮俗的探討,使學生瞭解生命關懷的真諦與殯葬文化的內涵。 Objectives The course will introduce importance of Funeral Service Ethics and the common norms of Life etiquette. It will take students to understand the true meaning of Life Concern and connotations of the funeral culture through Religious Ritual discussion.
教材 台灣民間殯葬禮俗彙編 Teaching Materials Compilation of Taiwan folk customs and rites funeral and interment
成績評量方式 課堂作業20%
Grading Grading Homework 20%
Midterm Exam 30%
Final Exam 30%
Participation 20%
教學內容 生老病苦死是人生難免的過程,唯慎終之道,因宗教不同及禮俗差異而莫衷一是。本課程內容包括:1.殯葬禮俗緣由2.各宗教殯葬禮儀;3.臨終關懷與悲傷輔導;4.遺體處理與美容;5.臺灣民間殯葬禮俗流程;6.陰宅風水學;7.殯葬擇日學;8.殯葬文書;9.殯葬政策與法規,並輔以照片圖表,詳述科儀與禮俗,供老人服務事業管理者參考遵循 Syllabus Health sufferings death is the process of it along the way, so I gotta, religious rituals and customs variations in the different and have very different opinions. This course includes: 1. funeral rituals and customs, the final cause 2. amongst the various religious funeral; 3. hospitalpice and grief counseling; 4. disposal and cosmetic; 5. the process of the burial rituals and customs of Taiwan folk; 6. House fengshui; 7. funeral Madonna; 8. the funeral and interment instrument; 9. policy and law, supplemented by a photo to enlarge on the chart, the rituals and customs, rites and for elderly service managers to follow