當期課號 |
2609 |
Course Number |
2609 |
授課教師 |
孫彰良 |
Instructor |
中文課名 |
服務學習與倫理 |
Course Name |
Service Learning and Ethics |
開課單位 |
老人服務事業管理系(四日)二A |
Department |
修習別 |
必修 |
Required/Elective |
Required |
學分數 |
1 |
Credits |
1 |
課程目標 |
本課程擬定以「學習者為中心」的策略,著重學生人格成長的教學內涵,考量學生生涯的專業能力、創造能力,期望建構以學生為中心的教學環境。 |
Objectives |
Course this draft with ' learner as tactics of centre ', focus on student teaching intension that personality grow up, professional ability, creativity to consider student's career, expect to build and construct the teaching environment that regards student as the centre. |
教材 |
徐明等著(2008),從服務中學習:跨領域服務學習理論與實務,洪葉文化。 曾華源,曾騰光(2003),志願服務概論,揚智出版社。 |
Teaching Materials |
1.to preview the reading materials before the classroom 2.to participate in discussion in the classroom 3.to ask some questions in the classroom 4.to review the reading materials after the classroom |
成績評量方式 |
一、課程參與20% 二、督導會議20% 三、小組團體報告30% 四、服務概況30%。 |
Grading |
1. to participate in discussion in the classroom(25%) 2. the present rate of supervision(25%) 3. the final report(50%) |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
同學於課堂上學習服務學習與倫理之相關內容,並於老人福利團體實際參與服務提供。 每二十小時志願服務請撰寫一篇「志願服務紀錄」,每次上課時請繳交。老師將依同學所選志願服務機構之屬性將同學分組,並且進行團體督導,學期結束前請同學進行學習成果發表。服務學習單需由機構督導簽認。 |
Syllabus |
The practice of service-learning in today’s higher education has tremendous potential as a vehicle through which universities can meet their goals for student learning and development while making unique contributions to addressing unmet community and society. For the student, service-learning will develop the habit of critical reflection; deepen their comprehension of course content; integrate theory with practice; increase their understanding of social problems; strengthen their sense of social responsibility; enhance their cognitive, personal, and spiritual development; heighten their understanding of human difference and commonality’ and sharpen their abilities to solve problem creatively and to work collaboratively. Therefore, this course will practice the principle of service-learning in order to students to integrate theory with practice |