朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
History and Culture of Taiwan 台灣歷史與文化

當期課號 2605 Course Number 2605
授課教師 耿慧玲 Instructor KENG,HUI LING
中文課名 台灣歷史與文化 Course Name History and Culture of Taiwan
開課單位 校訂必修(四日) Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 臺灣由於地理位置特殊,自古以來歷史的發展便兼具海洋性與國際性的雙重性格。在明鄭與清朝是漢人移民的新天地,並經過荷、西與日本的殖民,政權更動頻仍,文化發展多元。本課程試由臺灣的歷史發展歷程中環境與人群的互動來探究台灣文化的各個面向,增進學生對於臺灣的認識。 Objectives The content of the course includes the flow of the Taiwan’s history, the change in its culture, ethnic relations, folk religion and settlement patterns socials integration. From the course, students will gain a deeper cognizance of Taiwan.
教材 郁永河原著,楊龢之譯注,《遇見三百年前的臺灣--裨海紀遊》,圓神出版社,2004,初版。
Teaching Materials Yu Yonghe. "Taiwan Three Hundred Years Ago--Bi Hai Ji Yu" Translated by Yang Heji. Yuanshen, 2004.
Course pack.
Lu Chuanje. "New Commentary for Bi Hai Ji Yu." Dadi Geography, 2001.
成績評量方式 1、由同學分組誦讀「裨海紀遊」:20%
Grading recitation of the "Bi Hai Ji Yu" 20%
group reports on ten sceneries of the Wu-fong district 20%
individual travel narrative: 20%
attendence and class performance: 20%
Quiz: 20%
教學內容 透過閱讀康熙時期郁永河著作的《裨海紀遊》經典,做為臺灣歷史與文化課程的切入點,由郁永河三百年前親身的經歷作為清代臺灣地理、民族、風俗、文化的見證;並以體驗式的教學方式,今古連結,請同學們撰寫自己的「霧峰十景紀遊」;建立部落格由師生共同營造課程。 Syllabus This course introduces "Bi Hai Ji Yu" by Yu Yonghe from the Ching dynasty. From the introduction of the geography, ethnicity, customs and cultures recorded within the work, this course will guide students to construct their own travel narrative concerning ten local sceneries of the Wu-fong district; students will assist the lecturer in the construction of the course blog.