朝陽科技大學 098學年度第2學期教學大綱
Career Related Education 職涯相關教育

當期課號 2576 Course Number 2576
授課教師 黃松林 Instructor HUANG,SONG LIN
中文課名 職涯相關教育 Course Name Career Related Education
開課單位 社會工作系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 1.職能動機(簡稱DC):本群組課目之實施在於訓練對個人優勢之認知,以建立職涯發展願景,促進發揮專業敬業精神,有效自律自制,深刻理解職場倫理及社會化意識,用以務實展現每一個人外顯績效,增進每一個人在職場之魅力與競爭力。
Objectives 1.Driving Competencies: The practice of Driving Competencies Course Group aims to train students to recognize the individual advantages, to build the developmental vision in the career, and to improve the professionalism as well as the work ethic. It also focuses on students’ effective self-discipline and self-control in order for them to fully comprehend the career ethic and the social consciousness. Hence, the outer performance of each person will be specifically presented and the competence and the competition of him/her in career fields will also be enhanced.
2.Behavioral Competencies: The purpose of Behavioral Competencies Course is for students to recognize the constitutional system and self-identity, to realize the effect and the necessity of team-working operation, and to fulfill the high performance of team cooperation through the efficient communication and coordination mechanism. In this way, students are expected to understand and accept various thinking styles, to face problems, overcome obstacles as well as solve conflicts, and to shape the practical, useful interactive coordination strength in both the inner and the outer parts.
教材 包承恩等著(2001)社會工作倫理與價值。 台北:洪葉。 Teaching Materials Bob et al.(2001). Social work ethics and value. Taipei:Honyei.
成績評量方式 平時、期中、期末各佔 30%
課程參與 10%
Grading Essays30%, Mid-term30% and final-term 30% participation 10%
教學內容 動機職能
Syllabus Motivation vocation abilities
D1 Work of vision & work ethics (5 hours)
D2 Interpersonal ethics & method of performance (5 hours)
D3 Professional spirits & self-management (6 hours)
Behavior vocational abilities
B1 Perception of vocational field & skills of communication(6 hours)
B2 Team work & its cooperation method(5 hours)
B3 Work fellowship & conflict management(5 hours)
Knowledge vocation abilities
K1 Environmental knowledge learning & innovation (5 hours)
K2 Concept of value & cost (5 hours)
K3 Problem reflection, analysis & solving(5 hours)