當期課號 |
2497 |
Course Number |
2497 |
授課教師 |
孫彰良 |
Instructor |
中文課名 |
社會工作實習(一) |
Course Name |
Social Work Practicum(1) |
開課單位 |
社會工作系(四日)一A |
Department |
修習別 |
必修 |
Required/Elective |
Required |
學分數 |
1 |
Credits |
1 |
課程目標 |
社會工作實習 (一)為機構參訪與講演,將安排同學參觀不同領域之社會福利機構,或邀請機構、團體之實務工作人員蒞校講演,使同學瞭解目前社會工作實務機構之工作概況及運作情形,激發同學不同面向的學習興趣,並藉此澄清個人的價值偏好,探索自身的專業興趣,以作為未來機構實習的基礎,甚至成為未來選擇專攻領域的參考。 |
Objectives |
This course is the prerequisite course of Social Work PracticumI. Social Work Practicum I will arrange several social welfare organizations in distinct area for students to visit and invite several social work professionals who are currently working in the field to deliver speeches. |
教材 |
Horejsi, C. R. & Garthwait, C. L. (2001). The Social Work Practicum: A Guide and Workbook for Students. Pearson Education, Inc.(高迪理&尤幸玲 合譯,2003. "社會工作實習:學生指引手冊". 台北市:雙葉書廊) |
Teaching Materials |
成績評量方式 |
1. 課程參與及出席情形 40% 2. 參訪報告內容 60% |
Grading |
1. Activity participation and class attendance 40% 2.Final report of field trip 60% |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
社會工作實習 (一) 為機構參訪與講演,將安排同學參觀不同領域之社會福利機構,或邀請機構、團體之實務工作人員蒞校講演,使同學瞭解目前社會工作實務機構之工作概況及運作情形,激發同學不同面向的學習興趣,並藉此澄清個人的價值偏好,探索自身的專業興趣,以作為未來機構實習的基礎,甚至成為未來選擇專攻領域的參考。 |
Syllabus |
Social Work Practicum III is a course arranged for students who can visit social welfare organizations in distinct area. In addition, the class is also allowed students to arrange speeches made by social workers who are currently working in the field due to understand an organization’s operation as a whole. This course is the prerequisite course of Social Work Practicum V, VI, VII and VIII. |