當期課號 |
2486 |
Course Number |
2486 |
授課教師 |
林楚欣 |
Instructor |
中文課名 |
口語傳播藝術 |
Course Name |
Arts of Oral Communication Expression |
開課單位 |
幼兒保育系(四日)四B |
Department |
修習別 |
選修 |
Required/Elective |
Elective |
學分數 |
2 |
Credits |
2 |
課程目標 |
本課程旨在介紹口語傳播藝術的型式,並透過實地練習,矯正學生發音,強化其朗讀、朗頌、說故事、演講、相聲、廣播等口語技巧,更透過練習及獲得鼓勵,使學生勇於放開自我、表達自我,且不再怯於公共場合開口說話。 |
Objectives |
The course is aimed to introduce various types of oral communication arts. Through practice, students are expected to improve skills of pronunciation, reading aloud, story telling, public speech, and mass communication. Through practice and encouragement, students will also be willing to openly express themselves in public occasions. |
教材 |
自編講義 示範影片 |
Teaching Materials |
Handouts made by instructor Videos of demonstration |
成績評量方式 |
期末測驗50% 課堂參與:50% |
Grading |
midterm 30%; reading alouds 30%; final project 30%; participation 10% |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
本課程旨在介紹口語傳播能力對教保人員的重要性,並透過實地練習,強化學生說話技巧及發出標準國音之能力,更透過練習及獲得鼓勵,使學生不再怯於公共場合開口說話,並因開口說話而增進個人魅力。 |
Syllabus |
The main purpose of this class is ro train students' skills on speaking and pronunciation. Students will be encouraged to express themselves in various ways but effectively and nicely. |