當期課號 | 2482 | Course Number | 2482 |
授課教師 | 孫扶志 | Instructor | SUN,FU CHIH |
中文課名 | 幼兒鄉土文化教學 | Course Name | Folk Culture for Young Children Instructional Methods |
開課單位 | 幼兒保育系(四日)四A | Department | |
修習別 | 選修 | Required/Elective | Elective |
學分數 | 2 | Credits | 2 |
課程目標 | 本課程目的在協助幼兒教保人員: 1.熟習鄉土文化教學的理論與內涵 2.結合理論與實務,著重幼兒鄉土文化教學設計,期能運用於教學活動上。 3.增進鄉土文化智能與教學專業的自我成長。 |
Objectives | The objectives of the course are: 1.To have a good understanding of the theories and content of instruction of native cultures to young children. 2.To integrate theories with practices, with an emphasis on instructional design of native cultures to young children, and application to instructional activities. 3.To enhance professional development of knowledge and instructional skills of native cultures. |
教材 | 1.教師自編講義(本位課程、園所學習步道) 2.網路鄉土資源 3.天下雜誌特刊-319鄉向前行 建議專書閱讀:媽祖廟(心理出版社)、學校附近的地圖(光佑) 鄉土繪本 |
Teaching Materials | lecture's note ; The examples of base curriculum and learning path ;learning-sheets;Internet resources. Suggesting reading book. |
成績評量方式 | 1. 出席與討論參與(10﹪)2. 鄉土文化教學活動設計分組報告(演示20﹪;書面20﹪)3. 鄉土資源參訪教學企畫設計(30﹪)4.期末測驗(20﹪) | Grading | 1.classroom attendance and discussing 2.activities design and reporting 3.visitingl agrestic resource and learning-sheets designing 4.final exam. |
教師網頁 | www.cyut.edu.tw/~fcsun | ||
教學內容 | 1.熟習鄉土文化教學的理論與內涵2.結合理論與實務,著重幼兒鄉土文化教學設計,期能運用於教學活動上。3.增進鄉土文化智能與教學專業的自我成長。 | Syllabus | to realize the theories of folk culture for young children; to learn the instructional Methods of folk culture for young children |