當期課號 |
2474 |
Course Number |
2474 |
授課教師 |
倪麗娟 |
Instructor |
中文課名 |
嬰幼兒急救 |
Course Name |
The first aid for early childhood emergencies |
開課單位 |
幼兒保育系(四日)三B |
Department |
修習別 |
選修 |
Required/Elective |
Elective |
學分數 |
2 |
Credits |
2 |
課程目標 |
本課程的目標包括︰ 1.介紹急救定義、目的、任務、原則、條件、應用正確技術的必要性。 2.瞭解急症照護相關理論基礎及正確技術的應用。 3.急救技術實習(姿勢的安置、CPR、創傷、包紮、休克、普通急症、中毒、灼傷、骨骼關節肌肉的損傷、傷患的運送)。 |
Objectives |
The objectives of the course are: 1. To introduce definitions, purposes, missions, principles, conditions, and necessity of accurate techniques of first aid. 2. To know fundamental theories and accurate techniques to care for children with acute diseases. 3. To practice first aid techniques, including placement and position of the body, CPR, care for physical trauma, shock, common acute diseases, poisoned, burned, bone and muscle damages, bandage, and transportation of patients. |
教材 |
賴怜蜜(2007)˙嬰幼兒急救與護理‧台北:群英。 |
Teaching Materials |
LAI, L.M.(2007)˙TThe First Aid for Baby and Child Emergencies‧Taipei, Taiwan, ROC: Kai-ying Culture Press. |
成績評量方式 |
第1次考試:50%(筆試-50%,操作考試-50%) 第2次考試:50%(筆試-50%,操作考試-50%) |
Grading |
1 st test:50%(written test- 50%, operation test-50%) 2 nd test:50%(written test- 50%, operation test-50%) |
教師網頁 |
教學內容 |
第1週—課程介紹 第2~6週—嬰幼兒基本救命術,包括心肺復甦術及義務梗塞處理 第7~12週—嬰幼兒緊急事故救護,包括出血、創傷、骨折、燒燙傷等 第13~18週—嬰幼兒緊急事故救護,包括休克、抽搐、氣喘發作等 |
Syllabus |
1st week—Introduction curriculum of first aid for young children. 02nd~06th week—The young children basic life support including CPR and relief foreign-body airway obstruction 07th~12th week—The first aid for young children Emergencies including bleeding, trauma, burns,fracture...et.al 13th~18th week—The first aid for young children Emergencies including shock, seizure, asthma attack, position |